Thursday, November 10, 2011

QURBANI: The Gift of Divine Blessings

[In an article published at Le Mauricien Newspaper on November 07, 2011 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius reflected on the spiritual significance of ‘Qurbani’, an important component of the festival of Eid-ul-Adha in Islam. Besides commemorating an instance of extraordinary submission to the Will of Allah displayed by two servants of Allah, Qurbani underscores the need for every human being to be ready to do sacrifices in the pursuit of attaining salvation and the pleasure of Allah, points out the Khalifatullah. For the benefit of everyone, we are reproducing the article below].

And We gave him (Abraham) the glad tidings of a very gentle son (Ishmael). And when he reached the age of travelling with him, he said: ‘My son, while I was sleeping I saw that I shall slaughter (sacrifice) you, tell me what is your opinion.’ He replied: ‘Father, do as you are ordered (by Allah). Allah willing, you shall find me one of those who are steadfast.’ And when they had both submitted, and his son had laid down prostrate upon his forehead, We called to him, saying: ‘O Abraham, you have confirmed your vision. ‘As such We recompense the good-doers. That was indeed a clear trial. So, We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.” (Quran 37:102-108)

Qurbani (Udhiya) or sacrifice dates back to the time of Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) when Allah asked him to sacrifice his only son, Prophet Ishmael (on him be peace) so as to test his sincerity and faith in Him. The help and encouragement from his son – who did not hesitate to give up his life for the sake of Allah (Almighty God) – made Prophet Abraham accomplish his duty towards his Creator without a single hesitation. Had he not said: “I submit myself to the Lord of the worlds”? (Quran 2:133)

Without this sacrifice, Prophet Abraham could not have made himself being worthy of the title of Friend of Allah (Khalilullah). But the Khalilullah did not have to go to the end of this one most difficult trial. Almighty God, the All-Knowing knew the feelings of His faithful servant. This symbolic event was intended to show to the world the sincerity of Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) towards Almighty God, and the sacrificial heart and steadfastness of a child devoted to the service of God.

With their willingness to sacrifice their all for the sake of Almighty God, one important lesson is to be derived from their common deed: that come what may man is subservient to God, his Maker and that at the end of the day it is God’s will which is to be made. Man is connected to God for he is from the essence of God. If he manifests the divine attributes which is innate in him, then he can reach such spiritual heights which can assure him everlastingness through His Maker.

The Udhiya therefore is one symbolic deed to commemorate the great sacrifice of that great Patriarch who was Abraham (upon him be peace). Indeed it is not the blood of the animal which reaches Almighty God but it is the piety of that person. Piety and fear of God is what makes man move from one stage to a higher one. Without faith in God, man is indeed blind. We, humans are bound to an Overpowering Lord Who is the Originator of all things. Whatever command He gives, well, that submission which man shows, shall assure him happiness of an exquisite aura.

The sacrifice of an animal also reminds us that come what may, we, humans are not free from trials which may fall upon us at any moment. But like the Prophets of God, we must show steadfastness and trust in Almighty God if we want to succeed in life. Real success is to reap God’s pleasure. Once God is pleased with us, then the door of salvation is guaranteed for us, for we have surrendered ourselves completely to Him, and have learnt the many lessons of life as it should have been understood. Indeed, the Almighty says:  “O you Soul at peace! Return to your Lord well pleased (with Him) and He well pleased (with you). So enter among My servants, And enter My Paradise.” (Quran 89: 28-31)

Therefore, man is duty-bound to the Lord of the Worlds, His Creator and that of all creations. Sacrifice is not only a lip-profession of the act, but to be completely aware, body and soul that we are to give our all for the sake of God, be it in terms of money, time, and even our life if need be. The latter explanation can be an act of charity and goodness when we see our fellow brothers in society in difficulty and we go and save him, even if it be at the peril of our own life, for in all humans, God resides...
Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak! May this day be an eye-opener to every Muslim, every human in the world for the exceptional sacrifices which he has to make to seek salvation, to seek the pleasure of the Almighty. Ameen.
I risk being bled alive,
Of what use is the world if Love evades it?
A mere illusion of a temporal abode…
The trust of an exquisite essence,
Of what avail if it is for mere few temporal days?
No! I cherish the Eternal, of eternal aspects, of eternal attributes,
He is for me but mostly and completely I am His keep,
He is my Guardian and Protector and He is my Saviour,
Almighty God, no other Lord beside Him,
Rich in His glory,
Perfect in His attributes,
Loving in His stance,
Love incarnate on eternity’s breast.
He is my Master, my Creator,
If love I have to thirst for to quench my thirst,
Then it is that of my Lord I seek to have,
For while others are temporary for me,
He is most certainly eternal, pure and majestic for ever for me.

For the Original Article, see: