The Quran is an ocean of knowledge and guidance for humanity. It’s very first chapter, an ardent invocation to Allah, embodies the essence of the Quran and the connection between man and his Creator. Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening of the Quran, is also referred to as Ummul-Quran (the Mother of the Quran). Indeed, Surah Al-Fatiha is so significant that without its recitation in every Rakah (cycle) of our prayers (Salat), those prayers are considered incomplete.
Therefore, Surah Al-Fatiha can be seen as a chapter enclosing the entire Quran, with the remaining chapters serving as commentaries on this exalted Surah. We must always bear in mind the profound importance of this Surah, as it holds the key, the solution, and the remedy to many seemingly insurmountable challenges, hardships, problems, and ailments. Reflect also on how, in Surah Al-Baqara, Allah declares: This is a perfect Book, containing no doubt, and it is guidance only for the “Muttaqi” (those who are pious, fear Allah and are conscious of Him).