Showing posts with label commentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commentary. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Al Azim Tafsir: Volume 6


New Volume Released


Book 6 : Al-Azim Tafsir'ul Quran Series  | Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim, Al-Azim Tafsir’ul Qur'an, Vol. 6: English Commentary of the Holy Quran, pp. 571, Mauritius: Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International, 23 January 2025, First edition.

Excerpts from the Blurb: 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Spouse Relations and Duties


Divine commandments are a light. Illuminating the darkened horizons of human nature; impulses, desires, emotions and biases; the divine commands in the Holy Qur'an offer profound teachings of great subtlety and much wisdom for our own benefit in the varied settings of life.  Hence, the Holy Qur’an promotes prudential course of conduct in family and social relations, recognizing the identity, capacity, authority, role and functions of individuals: between husbands and wives, parents and children, relatives in the home. It is God’s extraordinary mercy and grace that we have these sublime teachings and guidelines of proper conduct.  

For instance, the Qur’an provides a well-balanced framework of rules on spouse relations and duties, to be observed in marital space by the partners, but also when the going gets tough, with disputes leading to separation and divorce, impacting the lives of not just the spouses, but also their children and the wider family. By following the Divine teachings on love and mercy, good morals, and on just and fair dealings; spouses can enjoy the ‘bliss of heaven’ on earth. On the other hand, by evading and ignoring divine prescriptions; rebelling against divine prohibitions, couples turn their matrimonial home into a virtual hell on earth.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Jamaat Books on a Global Platform

"When Books are spread abroad..." ----- (Holy Qur'an, 81:11)

In a major step for the wider dissemination of the Messages of Allah (swt) being inspired and revealed through His chosen messenger of our times, His Holiness Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius over the last two decades; the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam-Mauritius has just published a series of books on a global publishing platform, Alhamdulillah. By the Grace of Allah (swt), a number of books authored by Hazrat Saheb (aba) are now available on the Internet, making it possible for people from around the world to readily access and read these spiritual treasures by purchasing them on the Amazon Books Network, Soumma Alhamdulillah.

Foremost among the books published is the Translation and Commentary of the Holy Qur’an, along with the Transliteration of the Arabic Text, Currently, the first Two-Volumes in the Series are available whereas other volumes are forthcoming, Insha Allah. In a Thanksgiving Jamaat programme marking the historic moment and celebrating the praises of Allah (swt) for making it all possible against numerous challenges, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) formally unveiled the two volumes at the Bai’t-ul-Zikr Masjid in Mauritius on Sunday, 17 January 2021, Masha Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar!   

For the benefit and convenience of readers around the world who wish to access and purchase these Books, here are the links- click on the Book cover pages:

1. Commentary of the Holy Qur'an: Volume I

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Surah An-Nur: A Commentary

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Kerala has just published a new Book in Malayalam: Surah An-Nur: A Commentary’. The present book, originally written in English by  Hadhrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally (International Sadr Saheba- Siraj Makin), is translated into Malayalam by Fauzia Jamal-Zain Saheba, Na’ib Sadr- Siraj Makin, South Kerala. This important treatise contains a treasure trove of spiritual insights and practical guidance useful for all believers who use their God-gifted faculties to study and reflect on the Word of God. The present translation is an important contribution to Qur’anic studies in Malayalam and a vital addition to the growing literature of the Jamaat in Kerala.

Read the Introduction to the Malayalam Edition Below:

Surah An Nur’ constitutes the 24th chapter of the Holy Qur’an. The chapter is named after the Divine Attribute of Light (Nur) indicated in the Light Verse (v.36). Focussing on Allah’s relationship to the humans, the chapter declares that Every Light that is visible in the universe and in human souls is a bounty of Allah’s Grace and Mercy. As the Source of all Lights, mercies and laws; Allah provides illuminating guidance in this chapter for the believers- men, women and children- clarifying several social and legal questions.

Friday, September 15, 2017

'Surah An- Nasr': A Commentary

Chapter 110: Surah An-Nasr

1. In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
2. When comes the Help of Allah, and Victory,
3. And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes,
4. Then celebrate the praises of your Lord, and pray for His Forgiveness: For He is ever ready to accept repentance (of His servants). (An-Nasr, 110: 1-4).

This beautiful chapter was the last to be revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It was revealed approximately some months before his demise. The revelation of this Quranic chapter happened either in Mecca when he went to accomplish his last Hajj or in Medina when he returned. Victory is the result of the accomplishment of a supreme and final duty and it is also a result of our foremost duty to Allah, and thus we need to ever take it seriously. All victory can ever become possible only with the mighty help of Allah.

The help of Allah and victory are ever near for him who is always righteous and good! When the soul attaches itself to Allah and His Messenger, and it unites with others who have faith, therefore, come what may, they fight against falsehood and the miscreants (Kafirs) with all their capabilities/ strength and they humbly carry the flag of faith and they march forward with certitude towards victory; such victory which comes from Allah only. It is to Allah that we need to seek help and it is verily Him who comes to our rescue in all circumstances when we turn to Him with sincerity and it is Him who turns to us with His pity and mercy.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Surah Al-Ma'un: A Commentary

Holy Qur'an: Chapter 107 

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 2. Have you seen him who denies the Judgment (to come)? 3. Then such is the one who repulses the orphan (with harshness) 4. And does not encourage the feeding of the indigent/ poor. 5. So woe to those who pray, 6. but are heedless of their prayer; 7. those who are all show (i.e. do their prayers and other good deeds for the eyes of people). 8. And refuse (to supply) (even) neighbourly needs.


This chapter deals with the meaning and real way of praying Allah. We need to have a firm conviction and attention during our prayer; we need to have a practical mind and a sincere will by helping others. It is with an absolute sincerity and not with an arrogant mind as a way to show-off that all Muslims need to demonstrate whenever they are accomplishing their devotions and charities. All devotions/ acts of worship shall be rendered vain if we do not put all our heart, soul and conscience towards their fulfilment. We have to perform our prayer with sincerity, understanding and a spotless (clear) concentration.

 Verses 2 &3: 

Ara aytallazii yukazzibu bid Diin. Fa zaalikallazii yadu-‘ul yatiim -  

Have you seen him who denies the Judgment (to come)? 

Then such is the one who repulses the orphan (with harshness);


The word “Diin” here means: (1) Judgement Day, taking responsibility in the moral and spiritual worlds, for all deeds which men accomplish, or (2) Faith, religion, the principles of good and evil in spiritual matters which are very often in conflict with egoistic desires and personal preferences (of people).


It is those who reject faith or the subsequent responsibility who treat the weak ones with contempt and it is them who lead their lives with egoism and arrogance. Allah loves us all. Why should we then have contempt for the weak and poor?

Monday, August 14, 2017

'Surah Al-Takathur': A Commentary

1. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
2. The race for (an increase in) wealth distracts you
3. until you visit the graves.
4. But no! You will soon know!
5. Again, You will soon know!
6. No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty...
7. You will certainly see the Furnace.
8. Then you will certainly see it, with the eye of certainty.
9. Then, surely, you will be questioned that day about the delights (which you used to enjoy on this earth).

Competing for More

This chapter, Surah At-Takaathur (Ch.102) - Cupidity (i.e., the desire to have more and more) contains a warning to those who wish to possess everything, those who like to accumulate wealth.

Verse 2: ‘Alhaakumut-Takaathuur - The race for (an increase in) wealth distracts you;

This fanaticism to acquire wealth and to increase one's fortune, position, the number of one's adherents, disciples or supporters, mass production or organization, affects not only one person but Societies and Nations.

What is called 'monopoly' (i.e., the restricted control and management of a thing only by a person who wants to control everything; monopolization) is forbidden and is against morality. Monopoly favours the exploitation of the public. This situation will get worse if people follow such a person, i.e., the monopolist (in respect to the power and wealth/ riches of this lowly world). When monopoly sets in, there is competition. Such a competition surges by others in order to gain access to (and share in) this wealth. 

Therefore, when there is such competition for more wealth, it occupies the attention of that person (who is worried about maintaining his monopoly on wealth against his competitors) and then forgets he to do things of much more importance, i.e., prayer, good conduct, etc. 

It is for this reason that in this verse a clear warning has been given from a spiritual point of view.

Man tends to absorb himself/ herself in these ephemeral things until death surprises him/ her. And at that moment he makes a flashback on his past life on earth and realizes how much his life has been wasted because he has not paid attention to the most important and superior affairs.

Verses 3, 4 & 5: Hatta zurtumul maqaabir; Kallaa sawfa ta’-lamuun; Summa kallaa sawfa ta’-lamuun - until you visit the graves. But no! You will soon know! Again, You will soon know!

This sentence means: Until a time comes when you will find yourself in the graves and you will forsake all that temporal splendour behind you, as well as all the circumstances of a life that was empty. Then, at that moment, this true reality will appear before you. So why do people not try to understand this reality in this very lowly life, before it's too late? 

Verses 6, 7 & 8: Kallaa law ta’-lamuuna ‘ilmal yaqiin; Latara wunnal Jahiim! Summa latara wunnahaa ‘aynal yaqiin ! - No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty... You will certainly see the Furnace. Then you will certainly see it, with the eye of certainty.

There are three types of "Yaqeen" (certitude of knowledge) which are mentioned in the Quran: 'ilm-ul-yaqeen' - certainty by reasoning or deduction, 'ain-ul-yaqeen' - A personal inspection, 'haqq-ul-yaqeen' - the absolute truth where there is no possibility of error of judgment or error in visual or perception.

The first type, i.e., certainty by reasoning or deduction, is mentioned here: we hear something from a person, or we make deductions for something by our own knowledge; It refers to our personal state of mind.

If we reason in this sense, we shall give greater value and appreciation for the beautiful things of our life on earth, and we will waste precious time in trivialities (i.e., unnecessary/ unimportant things) . But if we do not use our faculty of reasoning now, then we will certainly perceive with our own eyes the punishment for all our sins. We will perceive Hell/ the Furnace.

Verse 9: Summa la-tus’-alunna Yawma-‘izin ‘anin na’iim. - Then, surely, you will be questioned that day about the delights (which you used to enjoy on this earth).

We will be questioned, i.e., we will be held responsible for all the kinds of pleasures we used to enjoy on earth - whether this pleasure was in the form of a false pride, the enjoyment of vain, worthless, or bad things, or even an extravagant enjoyment of things that are halal (licit). Therefore we must follow the prescribed limits.

Islam does not allow us to devote ourselves exclusively to the pleasures of this lowly life. These pleasures make us selfish. 

These pleasures take up our precious time, as well as our money/ wealth, and our abilities, such time, money and capacities/ abilities that we can showcase for the benefit of society. These pleasures make us forget our duty to Allah and the duty which we have towards our own soul. These pleasures give great satisfaction to our physical senses; But our physical body will one day be buried underground and it is our soul that will continue to live after our death. We must not neglect our soul which is also an important part of our own being.

So we must always keep in mind that our sojourn on this earth is very temporary, and we have a duty to do everything in our power so that we do not forget to fulfill our duty to Allah, and towards our own souls. Life on earth is very temporary while it is the future life that is eternal for us. When Allah sent us to this earth, He did not put a burden on us because He knows that our physical body is very weak. Therefore, He allows us to have personal desires and leisure, provided that we do not show ungratefulness to Him (Allah) and that we do not forget to worship Him alone, and that we do not forget also the favours He has poured upon us as well as the commandments He has placed at our disposal so that we always follow the right path. The one who does not forget his duty to Allah is the one who will always prosper, while those who are tempted by the attractions of this world and forget Allah, they are the losers.

May Allah protect us from avarice and gluttony for this temporary world, and help us to reach Him with ease and bliss. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Friday Sermon of 11 August 2017(18 Dhul Qaddah 1438 AH) delivered by Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Surah At Tin: A Commentary- II

Commentary on 'Surah At Tin': Second & Final Part 

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful; By the Fig and the Olive, And the Mount of Sinai, And this City of security; We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We reduce him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they shall have a reward uninterrupted; Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)? Is not Allah the Best of judges?” (And at the end, we reply: Bala! Wa ana ala Zaaleka minash Shahideen - “Indeed, I am among those who testify to this). (At-Tin 95: 1-9).

By the grace of Allah, I continue my sermon today on the same subject as last Friday, i.e., on Surah At-Tin (Chapter 95). Last week I expounded on the first verse, on the Fig and the Olive and today I shall give you an explanation on the rest of the verses of this Surah.

3.Wa Tuuri siiniina
And the Mount of Sinai

It is on Mount Sinai that Hazrat Musa (as) received the Torah (the divine laws) - most particularly the ten commandments - which had been revealed for the Jews. That exceptional moment when he received those revelations, Allah manifested Himself to Hazrat Musa (as) in the form of an Extraordinary Bright Light. But the Jews did not remain true to the commandments of Allah and they disobeyed Him. They thus had to pay for the consequences of their acts and they shall still suffer like this because of the disobedience which they show before Allah. 

This is indeed a lesson for all of you that, whenever Allah sends His commandments for us - i.e. to revive the teachings of the Holy Quran in particular - and His reformer to revive (or bring back) those lost teachings, therefore you should never leave that clean path which leads to the salvation of our souls, for otherwise, if you disregard this and take the wrong path and turn your backs to the divine manifestations, signs and commandments of Allah, your consequences shall be grievous (before Allah).

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Qur'an on the Human Condition

 Surah At-Tin: A Commentary

“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful; By the Fig and the Olive, And the Mount of Sinai, And this City of security; We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We reduce him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they shall have a reward uninterrupted; Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)? Is not Allah the Best of judges?” (At the end, we reply: Bala! Wa ana ala Zaaleka minash Shahideen - “Indeed, I am among those who witness to this (truthful reality)). (At-Tin 95: 1-9).

In the light of these verses, we see that all that which exists in nature has been created for the fulfilment of man in all aspects. Through divine revelations, we have learnt that Allah has created man in the best of moulds. And we have learnt also that man can also become worst than an animal, or he can perfect himself morally and spiritually in such a way that he reaches a high station and accedes to the presence of Allah. When he succeeds in perfecting himself, he reaches such a state where he is absolutely convinced of the unicity of God (Allah) and he realises that all that this world and the universe contain, and even himself, all belong to Allah. He thus makes much effort to please Allah and come near to Him. When he makes such efforts to accede to Allah, he cultivates love, respect and the fear of Allah (Taqwa) - in his heart; and all this helps him to come out of his animalistic state and become moral and spiritual.

When he finds himself in the state where he develops and maintains morality, he develops an excellent character where he acts with goodness and wisdom and he accomplishes such actions as to help him attain his goal. Nobody besides Allah knows his heart and he cannot hide anything from Allah, and on the Day of Judgement, it is Allah, The Most Wise, and the most Just of all judges - the best Judge - Who shall judge him. If he had no sincerity in his heart and used to do (good) deeds only for the eyes of people, then his punishment shall be grievous and painful for him. But if he was sincere towards Allah and had a pure and clean heart, then his value before the eyes of Allah shall increase and his reward shall be good and eternal (for him to enjoy).

'Freewill' and the Diverging Paths

Allah has given us - mankind - the freedom to choose our paths, i.e., freewill. We can either choose to attach ourselves to this temporal world and become worse than an animal, or we have the choice to forego the attractions of this world and attach ourselves firmly to Allah, whereby we choose to go forward for the moral and spiritual progress of our souls so as to reap Allah (as reward). We shall attain to such high degree of morality and spirituality only by obeying Allah completely and when Allah shall manifest Himself at any time, any hour, we need to grip firm to the rope of Allah and follow His instructions and His guide (and/ or guidance) so that Allah may be pleased with us and we also be pleased with Him (Allah).

Exalted status of the Humans

Man has been bestowed superiority to an animal. Man has the power of reasoning and he has the capacity to take a decision whereas an animal relies only on its (basic) instincts. Therefore, man should use that (God-given) capacity - i.e. his reasoning power/ his intelligence - to take the decision to leave his animalistic state and progress further to reach the stage of purity, morality and spirituality.