Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Sheikh on Life Lessons- 3


Those who learn the history of Islam will be astonished by facts that speak for themselves- the great role women believers [Sahabiyat] performed around the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the early Muslim community in Makkah and Madinah. Look at certain facts: the first person to embrace Islam was a woman – Hazrat Khadijah (ra); the first person to die for Islam was a woman- Hazrat Sumayya (ra). The greatest scholar of lslam was a woman – Hazrat Aisha (ra). The person who loved the Holy Prophet (sa) the most was a woman– Hazrat Fatimah al Zahra (ra). The person who made the biggest sacrifice for lslam in one day was a woman – Hazrat Khansaa (ra). One of the greatest fighters in Islamic history was a woman – Hazrat Khawla Bint Alazwar (ra); Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.

2. The Sunnah of Marriage


 It's Sunnah to marry an older woman.

 It's Sunnah to marry a divorcee.

 It's Sunnah to marry a widow.

It's Sunnah to join the wife in household chores, cooking, cleaning and washing.

It's Sunnah to put food with your hand in your wife’s mouth as an expression of love.

It's Sunnah to verbally express love, appreciation and respect to your wife.

It's Sunnah to forgive her mistakes.


3. The Benefits of Nikah [Marriage]


   (1)  Allah will increase your provisions [‘rizq’].

   (2)  It protects you from major sin.

   (3)  You now have best friend, 24*7

   (4)  Life is easy as your partner helps you with everything.

        (5) If you have a bad day, you know someone is waiting just to see     you at home.

4. On Beauty and Duah


‘Shaitan’ tells you to apply makeup/cosmetics to beautify yourself in front of all men. On the other hand, Allah commands you not to beautify yourself to non-Mahram. So, who are you going to obey? Think!


When Allah brings out the beauty in you, no makeup/cosmetics can give that 'Noor' glow.


Recite the following Duah after every Wudu (ablution): 

Allahumma anta hassanta Khalqi fahassin Khuluqi. O Allah, You have beautified my body, so beautify my character’


5. Inter-personal Relations

Never leave a true relation for a few faults; nobody is perfect; nobody is correct and at the end, love and affection is always greater than perfection.


Trust means everything, but once it's broken sorry means nothing. Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile & say: ‘Thank you for giving me the chance to find someone better than you’.


Allah knew that person was bad for you but you were too attached and couldn't bring yourself to leave him/her. So Allah allowed him/her to hurt you in order for you to let go. Instead of punishing you, Allah saved you. He did you a favour and now He's preparing you for something better: ‘Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by’ (Qur'an, 93:5).


Most men complain that women do not like peace in a relationship, and that they are ‘dramatic’. However, how you as a man treat a woman is how she will [re]act...Your spouse is supposed to be your safe place, not another battle ground in your life... You can’t expect peace when all you bring her is pain.


Duah for Ease in all matters:

‘Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu'assir Wa Tammim Bil Khair’. [‘Oh Allah, make this task easy and do not make it difficult. Oh Allah! Make it end well].

Two things to remember in life: control your thoughts when you're alone, and control your words when you're with people.

Keep striving for lawful [‘Halal’ ] earnings or income; may Allah protect us from illicit gains [‘Haram’].


[---Adapted from a recent series of communications shared from the office of Imam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius to disciples and followers in the Jamaat for their education and spiritual understanding].