Sunday, April 7, 2024

Ramadan 2024: Public Message


Ramadan, Layla-tul-Qadr & Eid-ul-Fitr: 

The Blessings of A Lifetime

Muslims all round the world are commanded by God Almighty to fast the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is such a blessed month wherein the very first verses of the Holy Quran – the Holy words of Allah – were revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) through the Chief of all angels, Jibreel (Gabriel). Those first revelations have the power even today to make the true believer tremble with awe and love. Its very evocation brings about solace and happiness for the believer at the divine boon received in that blessed moment in time.

Twenty-nine or thirty days of blessings: yet, those days hold therein a concealed night, wrapped in the mystery of divine knowledge, to deliver to those who successfully attain and receive it, the blessings of a lifetime. The Night of Decree (Layla-tul-Qadr) as this night is called is like the most precious of pearls, more precious than any treasure in this world. It is the gateway to such divine blessings which can erase a sincere person’s sins and make him pure like a newborn babe.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Poem: 'The Call of Humanity'

The world would have been,

A golden gate to paradisiacal serenity,

Were it not for the feigns and false promises,

Of secular and religious authorities who,

In the name of politics, patriotism and union,

Leave behind their conscience,

To delve into the sea of fraud and corruption;


Oh how beautiful would it have been,

If with a true heart,

Each political representative,

Of the multitudinous countries,

Stand up in honour of the world,

And all its inhabitants,

And chant the call of togetherness,

As one global people,

As one united nation,

In the best interest of,

Humankind as a whole,

Friday, April 5, 2024

Poem: 'The Origin of Peace'


Every part of the Universe is ever locked in the concept of Peace,

From the moment of creation,

The word to have found light in the Heavens was Peace

A piece of the heart is engrossed in the meditation of Peace,

 The every second which passes in concentration of the Unique God,

Alights from the meaning of Peace,

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Spouse Relations and Duties


Divine commandments are a light. Illuminating the darkened horizons of human nature; impulses, desires, emotions and biases; the divine commands in the Holy Qur'an offer profound teachings of great subtlety and much wisdom for our own benefit in the varied settings of life.  Hence, the Holy Qur’an promotes prudential course of conduct in family and social relations, recognizing the identity, capacity, authority, role and functions of individuals: between husbands and wives, parents and children, relatives in the home. It is God’s extraordinary mercy and grace that we have these sublime teachings and guidelines of proper conduct.  

For instance, the Qur’an provides a well-balanced framework of rules on spouse relations and duties, to be observed in marital space by the partners, but also when the going gets tough, with disputes leading to separation and divorce, impacting the lives of not just the spouses, but also their children and the wider family. By following the Divine teachings on love and mercy, good morals, and on just and fair dealings; spouses can enjoy the ‘bliss of heaven’ on earth. On the other hand, by evading and ignoring divine prescriptions; rebelling against divine prohibitions, couples turn their matrimonial home into a virtual hell on earth.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

'Itikaaf' Guidelines


In his Friday Sermon of 29 March 2024 ~18 Ramadan 1445 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius offers an exposition on 'Itikaaf’, the devotional Muslim practice of staying in a spiritual retreat at a Masjid or other secluded space in the last 10 days of the fasting month of Ramadan for pure worship of the Divine, far away from all material entanglements of everyday life. In this discourse, as true believers around the world prepare themselves to perform 'Itikaaf' in the final ten days of Ramadan, Hazrat Saheb (aba) offers practical guidance on 'Itikaaf'- related invocations and supplications and additional prayers in the seclusion of the meditative space. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:   

Religion (Deen, Deen of Allah, Islam) came to bring balance and perfection to man in his life. Without religion, man loses his bearings and therefore will not be able to live a healthy life. It is religion that encourages marriage, family life and prayer.


The fact that we are being watched (by Allah, and His angels) and that we must one day be held accountable for our actions forces us to behave well and think twice before committing despicable acts. The religion of Islam advocates moderation and does not tolerate any extremes. On the one hand, there is the obligation of everyone to seek a lawful livelihood, and on the other hand one must engage in religious obligations every day. But during the year one should have a balance between worldly activities and spirituality. And this is where we note that the prophet (pbuh) dedicated the last ten days of each Ramadan to Itikaaf. It is narrated by Hazrat Aisha (ra) that after the death of the Prophet (pbuh), his wives also sat down for the ten days of Itikaaf (Bukhari).

Saturday, March 30, 2024

'Tahajjud' and 'Tarawee'


In the aftermath of a humble request for explanations from his spiritual mentor and guide in this era, a humble disciple of the Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir A. Azim (aba) has axed his questions on the importance of Tahajjud and Tarawee in Islam. His questions are as follows:


1. What is the difference between Tahajjud and Tarawee?

2. Do we pray Tahajjud (After Isha, before Fajr) at different times during Ramadan and non-Ramadan (nights)?

3. The Prophet (pbuh) did not perform the Tahajjud prayer or the Tarawee prayer together. Why do we do it?


Hazrat Khalifatullah's considered response to these set of questions shine  a clear light of guidance on a vital aspect of Islamic spiritual practice in the fasting month of Ramadan: the devotional practice of offering voluntary prayers known as the Tarawee Prayers after the Esha prayers- both in its original, historical context, but also in relation to the Tahajjud Prayers, explaining the practices against the wider backdrop of the Holy Prophet's own approach and those of the pious second caliph Hazrat Umar (ra), and what these additional prayers mean  in the spiritual journey of the believers in their quest for Divine nearness, pleasure and approval. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Petals of Ramadan


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, the holy month - Ramadan - is here among us since a few days. Today is the 11th day of this blessed month. Ramadan is such a powerful name that when its name is evoked - remembered - the heart finds its tranquillity. This sacred month par excellence, by its very presence brings contentment in the life of every sincere believer. This month really becomes a moment of exceptional fervour for each of them.


The month of Ramadan, metaphorically speaking, is a flower whose petals evoke the Divine Beauty, His (Allah’s) wisdom as well as His mercy towards the believers.