Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, which was established in March 2008 by the Mujaddid of the new Century Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius, crossed the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea and reached the shores of Kerala, India in September –October 2010.
Supporting and endorsing an Elect of Allah is the binding duty and responsibility of believers who live in the time of a Divine Reformer. Thus Jamaluddin Sahib of Mathra was the first person in India to have the honour of accepting and becoming a disciple of the new Massih of Allah. Strangely, however, the Ahmadi Maulanas are standing up against the great Divine favour on the Community.
When the Massih of Allah elevated his first disciple in Kerala to the position of Amir Jamaat after the formation of the Jamaat in the State, the Maulanas gave went to their anger at the Divine favour by trying to assassinate the character and honour of the disciples of the new Massih. They seek to extinguish the Light of Allah through all foul means possible. At this juncture, it is important to remind them of what they don’t want to remember or hear:
That till recently Jamaluddin Sahib of Mathra was an honourable man in the Jamaat. More than 50 people took Bai’at and were initiated into the Jamaat through him. He was instrumental in the formation of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in two places in South Kerala: Mathra and Trivandrum , the capital city of the State. And some of the Ahmadis who took Bai’at through him later went on to form another branch of the Jamaat in the neighbouring State of Tamil Nadu as well. These are uncommon achievements by the record and practice of the Kerala Ahmadiyya Jamaat today. It would not have been possible but for the combination of special blessings of Allah and sincere efforts of the people concerned. Caught up in the cauldron of jealousy and hubris, can the leadership be expected to have the humility to acknowledge contributions or care about higher notions of gratefulness?
A community that does not acknowledge or respect its roots are bound to deviate from the purity of its origins. No wonder, they revel in proclaiming spurious charges against him. The injustice meted out to him through a shocking display of incompetence and maladministration, they project as a badge of honour for themselves- as if they have finally nailed the man who refused to toe their line! Had they given a thought to it, they would have realized it themselves: being expelled from a Jamaat incapable of accepting an Elect of Allah is certainly an honour for the man so expelled!
When they are not indulging in the character assassination of the new disciples and of the Massih of Allah, the Ahmadiyya leadership advices their folks not to read about, or browse through the website of the new Mujaddid. They threaten common Ahmadis with ex-communication if they do not implement the Fatwa on social boycott. Imagine, it is the age of Ahmadis who do not offer Salam or accept it when offered by one whom they no longer consider an Ahmadi!
“O ye who believe! when you go forth in the cause of Allah, make proper investigation and say not to anyone who greets you with the greeting of peace, ‘You are not a believer’”. (4:95) “And when you are greeted with a prayer, greet you with a better prayer or at least return it. Surely, Allah takes account of all things.” (4:86).
Why would Allah send an Elect of His when Ahmadis had not discarded the Divine Word and threw themselves into the Jahilliya practices?