Saturday, September 3, 2022

Balancing Rights and Duties


Man is a social being. Just living requires the recognition of the duties we owe to others, just as we seek to exercise our own individual and other social rights in the community. Islam provides a range of teachings that address the fine balance of rights and duties to be achieved in society as well as in family; in our relations with parents, spouse/s, children, other members of the clan. In this series of special discourses, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius comprehensively explains the vital considerations of justice, compassion and benevolence the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) took into account while giving shape to the interpretation of rights and duties in social contexts. Read the Part 4 of this series, Friday Sermon of 02 September 2022 ~04 Safar 1444 AH below:  

Fulfilling the Rights of Fellow Muslims 


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I continue today the subject of my sermon on the rights of our fellow Muslims, especially the rights of the parents, and to what limit should they be obeyed, and the rights of one’s own child and spouse in respect of obedience to parents.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

'Respect Rights; Fulfill Duties'- 3

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I am continuing today’s sermon on the same subject as the past two weeks, on the rights of our fellow Muslims, and also most specifically since last week, on the rights of the parents, and to what limit should they be obeyed, as well as the rights of the spouses and the children.


In the Hadith books of Imam Bukhari and Muslim as well as in Mishkaat, there is a lengthy Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) narrated by Ibn Umar (ra). In this Hadith three people are mentioned. They were on a journey when they were caught up in heavy rain. They took refuge in a cave. A huge boulder rolled and blocked the cave-entrance, cutting off their escape from the cave. The three decided to supplicate to Allah (twt) on the basis of some deeds which they had done with the greatest of sincerity. The deed which one of the three offered to Allah (twt) as his basis of supplication was about his aged parents and little children. He implored Allah (twt) in the following way: “O Allah! My parents were old and I used to go out for grazing (my animals). On my return I would milk (the animals) and take the milk in a vessel to my parents to drink. After they had drunk from it, I would give it to my children, family and wife. One day I was delayed and on my return I found my parents sleeping, and I disliked waking them up. The children were crying at my feet. That state of affairs continued till it was dawn. O Allah! If You regard that I did it for Your sake, then please remove this rock so that we may see the sky.” So, the rock was moved a bit.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Rights and Justice in the Family


'Respect Rights; Fulfill Duties'- 2

By the grace of Allah, I pursue the same subject-matter of my sermon of last Friday in which I talked about the having great considerations for the rights of our Muslim brethren. The rights explained are applicable to all Muslims in general. However, it is obvious that the importance and significance of rights will increase if these are related to special people.


In regard to rights, parents enjoy priority and greater significance because of their close relationship with their offspring. The rights of parents are unanimously accepted. I will not therefore elaborate on the details of these rights, as they are foremost mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadiths, unless the parents deviates the child and intimates him or her to adopt false gods other than the true God, i.e. Allah. But even then, despite the wall of difference between parents and children who do not share the same faith, whether the parents are true Muslims and their children non-Muslims or vice-versa, even then Islam while ordaining the believers not to obey the disbelievers, even if they be their parents when they force them [i.e. the children] to worship others than Allah, Islam also commands that the non-Muslim parents be respected and treated well. They are not to be obeyed in religious matters, but concerning the affairs of the world, the children should show consideration and respect towards them and pray for their salvation.


In all things [and situations] there should be a balance. Like I taught you about the equilibrium which there needs to be in one’s own reform and preaching the unity and message of Allah, likewise, Islam teaches equilibrium of the rights of parents. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Surely, Allah commands you to deliver trusts to those entitled to them, and that, when you judge between people, judge with justice.” (An-Nisa, 4: 59)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

'Respect Rights; Fulfill Duties'


Fulfilling the Rights of Fellow Muslims

“O believers! Do not let any people [group of men] ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let women ridicule other women, they may be better than them... O believers! Avoid many suspicions (for) indeed, some suspicions are sinful. And do not spy, nor backbite one another...” (Al-Hujurat, 49: 12-13)


Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masud (ra) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Verbally abusing a Muslim is an evil sin and fighting him is disbelief.” (Tirmidhi)


Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “When a man observing faults of others says (by way of complaint and adopting a ‘holier than you’ attitude considering himself free of fault): ‘People are corrupt’, then this person will soon become the most corrupted (because he has despised the believers).” (Muslim)


Hazrat Huzaifa (ra) narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “The person who goes about with calumnies will never enter paradise.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

Thursday, August 18, 2022

'People, Strive with Humility'

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Kerala organized a Two-Day Spiritual Retreat Programme at the historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid- Mathra, on 13-14 August 2022, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. Mukarram Amir- Jamaat R. Jamaluddin Raother Saheb; Nai'b Amir Mukarram Sulfikar Ali Saheb of Kaliyikkavila; Secretary- Tabligh Mukarram Sadiq Ali Saheb; Secretary-Tarbiyat Mukarram Muhammad Sabir Saheb; Secretary-Finance Mukarram DA Zainul Abdeen Saheb;  Sahib Al Faraj Zachariah Ibn Zain, etc. led the Programme. Women members of the Jamaat, led by Sadr- Siraj Makin Djawaharat-ul-Kamal Fauzia Jamal-Zain Saheba, also took part in the Retreat Programme. Collective prayers, including Tahajjud Namaz, Zikr-e-Ilaahi; Duahs; recitations of the Holy Qur'an; discussions around Ahadith, and also on the explanations of vital spiritual teachings by the Promised Messiah (as) and Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba); singing of  Nazm, etc. characterized the time our members spent together at the premises of the Masjid, Masha Allah.  A meeting of the Central Working Committee (Majlis-e-Aamila) of the Jamaat also took place on the occasion, to take stock of the progress achieved so far, and to plan and strategies for future.  

By the immense Grace and Blessings of Allah, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius addressed the members of the Jamaat gathered on the occasion, on 14 August 2022 (8 Muharram 1444 AH). In his special discourse, Hazrat Imam (aba) exhorted members to keep aside all our human weaknesses and mutual differences and to focus on the Divine expectations and to pursue the path of Divine approval through imbibing true values of life: humility; respect for other people's rights; cultivating empathy and understanding for other's predicaments. Humility elevates ranks and conquers hearts- a quality that testifies to the true faith in God of the believers and a sign of great leaders- notes Hazrat Saheb (aba) in this discourse.

At a time when true Faith is facing various dangers, Hazrat Saheb (aba) points out that to restore the vigour and spirit of Islamic teachings, believers today have the duty to keep firmly in mind the big picture of Divine Mission in our times: we need to recognize the wisdom of a balanced approach: while pursuing personal reform, we also ought to engage in public exhortation of the right path for social transformation. We need to do sincere striving in our own surroundings, among our peoples; we need to make sacrifices; display true commitment by being generous contributors in the cause of God with the absolute trust in Divine Mercy and rewards in this world, and in the world to come, Insha Allah, Aameen.  

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Importance of 'Jumu'ah'


In his Friday Sermon of 05 August 2022 ~ 06 Muharram 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius underscores the importance of Jumu’ah in Muslim spiritual and social life.  Drawing upon Qur’anic commandments and Prophetic traditions and the devotional practice of early Muslims, Hazrat Muhyiuddin (aba), in this discourse, traces out the spiritual philosophy and history of Jumu’ah as a veritable institution of Islam.  

Communities before the advent of Islam evolved their own special days of devotion. It was Allah (swt) Who chose Friday for the Muslim Ummah as a day of great blessings: to enable the community of believers to prioritize the call of God to prayer over material pursuits; to foster and develop solidarity and brotherhood in society; a time to come together as a devotional community. Islamic teachings exhort believers to pay attention to this special opportunity of weekly congregational prayer as an occasion to strive to please Allah (swt) and to invoke His blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), and his family and pure companions. Hence, neglect and laziness around participation in Jumu’ah prayer and sermon is a serious matter that the faithful needs to be conscious of, notes Hazrat Saheb (aba).

Speaking about the larger message of Surah Al Jumu’ah, Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi (aba) notes the dynamics of decline and renewal in the spiritual world. When people ignore Divine commandments in a phase of time and Imaan flies away from amongst them to the Pleiades, it is the Sunnat Allah to raise some purified individuals to bring it back and establish the spiritual way.  These chosen servants of God are raised in the mantle of the Prophets of the past.  As high representatives of Divine Trust on earth, these sages are devoted to the Pure Way- the true living heirs of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hence, in this era of spiritual neglect, Allah (swt) has raised His Khalifatullah (aba) to renew the days of the Prophet and his spiritual practice as a grand blessing for those who believe and follow guidance, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.  

Monday, August 1, 2022

The Significance of 'Duah'

Supplicating (to Allah) * Making 'Duah'


Duah or supplicating is to petition Allah (twt) for one’s needs and requirements, be such needs mundane or spiritual - be they in regard to one’s worldly affairs or Deeni affairs - whether such affairs and needs are within one’s ability of acquisition or not. In all cases, the Muslim has to supplicate to Allah (twt) for the fulfillment of his needs.


Duah for unlawful desires and needs is not permissible. While making duahs, all the lawful means and agencies for the requirement should be harnessed, e.g. the farmer while making duah for his farm to yield should at the same time engage in the means and ways of farming; the one making duah for protection against an enemy should at the same time engage in the ways and means of warding off the enemy; the sick while making duah for recovery should resort to medicine and treatment as well; one involved in litigation should while making duah for success in his court-case, engage the proper means of achieving the success as well; one engaged in the acquisition of Qur’ani and Deeni knowledge should make duah for Barakat [blessings] and success while at the same time study properly and acquire whatever ways are essential for the correct acquisition of knowledge; one involved in Ibaadat [worship of Allah] should strive against the lowly desires and the diversions of Satan and the Nafs [ego/ passion] while at the same time make duah [supplications] for aid from Allah (twt) for sincerity and steadfastness in his acts of worship.


In affairs in which physical and material means and agencies have no role to play; one should in entirety resort to only duah, e.g. rainfall [protection against rainfall in case of too much rainfall causing floods etc. & prayers for rainfall in case of drought], protection against plagues, the Satan and the deception of the Nafs, protection from the oppression of cruel persons, etc.

Duah does not mean the mere recitation of some words and the ritual reiteration of words after Salat. The nature of duah consists of petitioning in the court of Allah (twt). The earnestness and concern which people have when making appeals in the courts of the world should at least be adopted when making duah in the court of Allah (twt). When making duah, one’s mind and body have to be concentrated and directed into the purpose of duah. One should never lose hope in the event of fulfilment of the duah being delayed or if fulfilment is not discerned. One has to submit to the Will of Allah (twt). Duah is an appeal of His servants. We have no right to become disillusioned and despondent if we cannot discern acceptance of our duah.