By His grace, Allah (swt) has given me again the opportunity, and blessed grace, to continue on the subject of my sermon on the duahs revealed at the beginning of the Divine Manifestation. It will not be possible for me to present each of them, mentioning the day, date, time of the revelation in question, as well as the circumstances in which they were revealed to me because the sermon will become too long and it will take months and months since I’m giving a series of sermons on the subject. So I will only share with you a few of these invocations.
Allah has certainly revealed [all these invocations] to me and I will not be able to present them all [at once] for Allah, by His grace and mercy continues to reveal to me - His Khalifatullah - these duahs, as well as other revelations. He is not a God Who gives revelations for a limited time and then stops speaking (giving revelations). When He raises His chosen servant, each time He sends down messages to His Messenger and also to show that He is always there, present and that He will not forsake the Messenger He raised. He gives him messages, duahs, shows him His signs. He is more caring [and affectionate] than a parent who has just received a newborn into his home. Allah does everything for us. He is more devoted than a [human] parent to his child, especially when He sends His Messenger and [this affection and security that Allah gives him makes] enable this Messenger also not to have any fear of creatures, and he does not care of what they say and plot. These people laugh at him, call him a liar, a fool, a madman and say that he takes (Psychotropic) drugs, antidepressants - they blame the Messenger of Allah in different ways and in great quantity, but Allah is present everywhere with His angels who write what these fools say and do; each of their deeds is noted and therefore the time will come when Allah will take them in hand, whether on earth but also in the Hereafter and certainly the punishment of the Hereafter will be more painful.
A Messenger of Allah also has no need to fear what these evildoers are doing against him, for his provisions, honour, dignity, and even his mission are not in the hands of these fools. On the contrary, the more they slander the Messenger of Allah and persecute him, the more Allah will raise his rank, like a ball which, when struck, bounces and rises in the air. It is these kinds of trials, persecutions and boycotts that prove the veracity of a Messenger of Allah. So if the Creator of the Universe has sent His Messenger, why do we have to worry about what these evildoers are doing, when we know full well that their stay here on earth is temporary, and they will have to show up in the court of Allah? Each of them will be accountable for what they have done (on earth).