Friday, August 21, 2020

'Duah': Invocations to Allah- V

Allah says in the Quran: “Invoke your Lord in humility and secretly; Indeed, He does not like transgressors. And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; Surely, Allah’s Mercy is (ever) near unto those who do good.” (Al-Arraf 7: 56 & 57)

[In light of these Quranic verses, Huzur (atba) spoke about the importance of making peace, and keeping peace, and to invoke Allah in secret, and the best way to invoke Allah in secret is when you wake up at night for the Tahajjud prayer, where you meet Allah in secret, whereby no one knows about it and you invoke Him. A person may not invoke Allah only at night, but also during the day in his Zikr. Allah may not accept a duah right away, or the next day or in a week, etc. After many years also He can grant that duah and fulfill it. 

Do not do like the woman who despite being in prayer but each time someone came at her neighbour’s place, she used to count the number of people by placing pebbles and then she used to count the number of people who came through the number of pebbles which there were. In the end, it is these very pebbles which formed a barrier between her and Heaven and finally she fell into hell. On the other hand, there is the example of the prostitute upon whom Allah has mercy because of a good deed she did. On day, she saw one of the creatures of Allah, a thirsty dog. She put herself to great trouble only to quench the thirst of the dog. She went to seek water for it and removed her shoe and used it as a recipient to hold water so that she could give it to the dog and quench its thirst. In the end, Allah admitted her to Paradise for her good deed.

You should never create disorder on earth after you have secretly invoked Allah. You should not nullify your invocations and prayers by doing evil upon the earth. And you should not dare to say that despite multiple prayers that you have done, but Allah is not fulfilling those invocations. You should never doubt the ability of Allah to fulfill those duahs. On the contrary, a believer should always trust in Allah and be confident that Allah will listen and grant him his prayers. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Murder of Tahir Naseem

Charged with the offence of 'blasphemy' and facing legal proceedings for the last two years in Pakistan, Tahir Ahmad Naseem was murdered by a fanatic youth on Wednesday, 29 July 2020. Apparently, the assassin was able to sneak inside a Peshawar courtroom where a judge was presiding over the case, and  shoot the victim down at point blank range, to silence him forever. Media reports testify that while the gunman Faisal Khan was immediately apprehended by the police; the murder is being openly celebrated as a 'victory of Islam', with many Mullahs competing among themselves to declare the murderer a 'Ghazi' - soldier of Islam-, turning a horrific murdered into national hero! 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Eid-ul-Adha Sermon 2020

The Eid-ul-Adha is not a celebration like any other. It is not a celebration of joy and rejoicing like Eid-ul-Fitr. On the contrary, it marks the spirit of sacrifice of Hadhrat Ibrahim (as), the great prophet, ancestor of our beloved Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad (pbuh).

This great sacrifice was perpetuated to serve as a lesson to humanity. Everyone knows this story. I myself have delivered several sermons on the story of Hadhrat Ibrahim (as) and his son, Hadhrat Ishmael (as). Read the sermons I have delivered in previous years on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha; I don’t have to come back to the same topic again.

What we don’t know and what we need to know is the lesson to be learned, especially from this sacrifice. Without this particular sacrifice, Hadhrat Ibrahim (as) could not have established himself as the Comrade of Allah (Khalilullah). Imagine yourselves; after having become a father at an advanced age when you had no children, after having made many supplications (duahs) to Allah (swt) to give you a child, an heir of your own seed, and behold! When Allah (swt) grants you this child, and where He accepts your invocations, He now tests you to know how much love you have for Him… Is the love that you have for this child stronger than your love for Allah? So He tests you in this way.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

'Duah': Invocations to Allah- IV

It is purely by the grace of Allah that I continue my sermon on the subject of duahs today. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. And it is purely by His grace that He confirms my truthfulness and consolidates the faith (Iman) of my disciples whereby He gives them inspirations, dreams, visions and revelations.

Alhamdulillah, within the framework of these series of Friday Sermons that I have been presenting on the subject of duahs, Allah has manifested in many ways to my disciples to show them the value of duahs and also to strengthen their faith in the Divine Manifestation of this century. 

Last Friday July 24, 2020, a very important spiritual event took place when my dear disciple Naib Amir Saleem Sahib from Tamil Nadu was reciting the Friday Sermon and he was reading the Friday Sermon that I had given on July 17, 2020 on the subject of duahs.

During the Friday Sermon, his wife Fatima Jasmine Sahiba saw in a state of vision (Kashaf) an imposing figure who was standing exactly behind Saleem Sahib. He was very tall with a lot of hair on his head. Jasmine Sahiba was very surprised to see him, but this being was very pleasant. Then she felt her soul (Ruh) asking this being: “Who are you?” He replied to her: “Allah sent me. I am a Malaq (angel) whom Allah sent to protect you all.”

So she was very amazed by this and her son shook her and then she no longer saw the angel. She believed that was her imagination. But after that, she heard that voice once more saying the same thing to her. So, she was reassured that all that she experienced was not her imagination. Afterwards, her children also reported that they too saw the angel. Alhamdulillah. It was a very great spiritual experience that they had. Masha-Allah. Allahu Akbar…

In truth, Allah’s promise is always true. I have always pleaded with Allah to grant His protection to all my sincere followers, who have strong faith (Iman) in Allah and His Khalifatullah of this century. May Allah continue to manifest Himself to give courage and strengthen the faith of my dear disciples and ensure that they do not lose heart in difficult times, and that they always thank Him, whether in times of difficulty, and moments of joy too.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Du'ah: Invocations to Allah- III

Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah (swt) gives me the Tawfiq to continue my sermons on the subject of duahs.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful

O Allah, You Who are the Remedy of my wounds, help my ailing heart.

O my Allah, without You my life means absolutely nothing. With such a life, it is better to die than to remain in this world without You.

O Allah, give me the will and the courage so that You will be pleased with me for the great work and responsibility that You have placed on my shoulders. If You are happy with me and the work that I am doing, even though people say that I am a madman, an impostor, and ridicule me, blame me and abase my honour and my dignity, all this does not affect me because it is You Who give honour, dignity to whomever You want. My life, my honour, my food, everything comes from You, and not from these fools.

O Allah! Set on fire, put the flame that comes from the heavens in my heart to allow me to bring back “thousands of lost souls in the fold of Sahih al Islam”, Insha-Allah.

O Allah, all my parts are sacrificed for You. I don’t know anything about Your religion; I am an Ummi (illiterate person). So as not to say that I am very weak in matters of Your Deen (Your religion), I am rather a zero. Give me knowledge, put the light of knowledge in my mind and my heart and give me the strength, courage, energy to distribute this knowledge to humanity in general and especially with the brothers and sisters of the Islamic faith.

O Allah! Work a miracle and send people to the Quran, Your book in which there is no doubt and which is a guide for those who want to take the right path. Remove this veil from their eyes and make them understand Your Sacred Book which You have revealed to Your beloved prophet (pbuh).

O Allah! The garden (of Islam) is dried up; all the fruits harvested in the past century by the Messiah whom You sent have fallen in this century. You raised me to clean this garden and to give life again to this dry garden by Your grace so that new fruits are harvested and where everything becomes green again and not dry, and where each eye will be attracted to the beauties that are found therein [i.e., in the garden of Islam].

O Allah! Give me medicine to distribute to all countries so that they can be delivered from evil.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Living Signs of Divine Favours

In his Friday Sermon of 17 July 2020~ 25 Dhul-Qaddah 1441 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius narrated a number of interesting, pure dreams made by devout members of the Jamaat in recent times. These dreams, in their own different ways, confirm the validity, power and blessings of prayers in the Divine Way. When believers remain true to the covenant of the Faith, observe the moral teachings of the Holy Prophet (sa) by following in the footsteps of the Khalifatullah (aba) of their times, and show sincerity of purpose in utter self-surrender to the Will of God amidst the trials of earthly circumstances; the Divine gaze keeps such humble ones relatively safe even in times of grave dangers, and elevates them morally and spiritually that they become blessed with countless favours of the Divine. Indeed, the light of Divine mercy and grace embrace and illumine them and their surroundings in myriad ways that they become living signs of pure Faith, notes Hadhrat Saheb (aba) in the discourse. 

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon Below:  

 '...I tell you about an amazing dream that one of my followers in Kerala, Sulfikar Ali Sahib saw last week. 

This dream is based on the importance of duahs and trust in Allah that Allah will grant [realise] these duahs, and it is an extraordinary sign that this dear disciple saw this dream on 05 July 2020, and since a long time, Allah had already helped me to prepare these series of sermons on the theme of duahs, and last week Allah inspired me to start my Friday sermons on the subject of invocations, without me being aware of this dream. It was not until after the sermon last Friday that I learned of this dream. So this is by no means a coincidence. The ways of Allah are truly extraordinary.

So the dream (which he saw around 3:00 a.m.) is as follows: He found that he was in the company of a few people, making fervent invocations to Allah (swt), a lot of Duahs ... yet, he thought there was no way his duahs would be accepted and was on the verge of despair. Then the person who was with him, told him not to despair, but to increase his invocations because Allah (swt) listens to the prayers of His servants in distress ... he advised him to repent a lot, to seek Istigfaar and to continue with his prayers so that Allah the Most Merciful will listen to him. So he continued his prayers ... in abundance. Eventually, he reached a space where he understood that he was meeting Allah. Appearing in the form of a person ... the being said to him: “Your prayers are accepted, you are going to be granted Jannat (paradise)”.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Du'ah: Invocation to Allah- II

Alhamdulillah, all glory, greatness and praise are for Allah (swt), Master of the universe Who gave me, this humble servant the Tawfiq to continue the subject of my Friday Sermon today on the invocations (duahs) that He taught me.

So, whoever hears these duahs and those who bear witness to how these duahs come down from the heavens are very lucky and fortunate among the billions of creatures who inhabit this world....

So listen carefully to these spiritual treasures, these duahs that come directly from my Lord, Allah (swt): -

O My Lord (Rab)! I am a victim of the atrocities of my opponents and the water in my eyes [i.e., my tears] are witnesses to it. It is these tears that know this oppression better.

O Allah! My tears know these atrocities better. How should I console my heart? What to tell it? With whom will I share this pain, because it is a war of pain and suffering and that is my very ordeal! Suffering for religion has killed me and my heart is shattered to pieces. If I had not received the support of my Beloved, then this is the same death that I would have acquired.

O My Master! This favour is certainly Yours and at every moment it is this same hope that I conceive that all my difficulties will be erased.

O my Master! This burden of pain is very heavy.

O my Beloved! Do not hide Your face; that’s my remedy.

O my Master! Treat us with mercy. We have hope and trust in You.

O my Beloved! We are faithful to You; we trust You, and all of Your promises are true. We have come to the brink of peril [dangers] and it is from this very place that we must call You.