Friday, April 17, 2020

The Attributes of Allah- V

By the grace of Allah I continue the 5th part of my Friday Sermon on the subject of the attributes of Allah. So Allah tells us that He is Supreme over His servants. He has all the control and has absolute power. He has the power to destroy everything, He has the power to punish. It is He Who gives death and it is He Who gives life. And it’s Him Who made all of the arrangements for your protections so that you don’t destroy yourselves by His decree. And this is the subject that the Quran mentions in other places, that you have committed so many sins; so many sins that it would have then been completely appropriate that Allah eliminates you completely. It will be within His right to do so, not only you, but all forms of life.

In another place in the Quran, it is mentioned as a result that for every person, even if he is visible or hidden, even if he goes out in the evening or in broad daylight, Allah has placed watchers [guardians] upon him to protect him. To protect him from what? To protect him from the decrees of Allah.

So here we are dealing with what subject? In fact it is the very divine decree which gives life and it is the very divine decree which gives death. No one has the capacity to die without the divine decree. So if Allah’s decree calls you to your death, then Allah tells us that it’s His very Taqdir (decree) that protects us for a time and protects us from His other decree as well. Otherwise Allah is completely Supreme. He has so much power and ability that He can eliminate and destroy everything, but in fact it is His very decree that protects you from His other Taqdirs.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Attributes of Allah- IV

By the grace of Allah I continue after a month (4 weeks) the 4th part of my Friday Sermon on the attributes of Allah. As I told you, Allah has no need to lie. He Himself is Malik, Rahman and Rahim. He is also Al-Haqq. He made the truth clear when people use tricks and all kinds of illusions to deceive people. We have this clearly in the example of Hazrat Musa (as).

So when we read the Holy Quran, it also mentions the example of Hazrat Dawud (as). Allah (swt) says that two people climbed the walls and entered the castle of Hazrat Dawud (as) and they said to him: O Dawud, do not be afraid; don’t think we are thieves or burglars; it won’t do you any good to make noises. In fact, we came to present a case [a concern] to you. I have a ewe, but he (my friend present here) has 99. He tells me to give him my eve, so that will make a number of 100 (i.e. 100 ewes). But I told him I only have one and I can’t give it to you. So tell us what to do.

So Hazrat Dawud (as) gave his judgment, but immediately after he turned to Allah (swt) in prostration and thought that Allah was in fact testing him. Allah certainly tested him and warned him against greediness to acquire small kingdoms to add to his own kingdom. Allah (swt) made him understand that he should not put pressure on the kingdoms that were nearby (in the vicinity), to be careful not to commit excesses.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Coronavirus: Revelation and Reason

The quest for dominance and superiority is leading nations increasingly out of ethical restraints on scientific research. In the name of national security and military preparedness, States are seeking access to stealth technologies of all kinds- against future threats and unknown dangers. Prudential limits are being 'stretched' on every front, including to facilitate secret development of chemical and biological weapons. The dynamics of preemptive self-defence and the desire for acquisition of offensive capability is causing dangerous experimentation in well-advanced nations. Scientists are increasingly tinkering with nature and its resources- including plants and animals-, with profoundly negative implications and consequences for the well-balanced ecosystem that sustains life on earth. Viewed against this backdrop, the ongoing global pandemic Covid-19 raises larger issues before the international community. With more than 1.25 million people having contracted the infection, and the numbers keep growing and thousands of people dying on a daily basis; the epidemic is causing unprecedented social and economic disruptions around the world, triggering reflections on how we brought this catastrophe on our nations

As a man of God and recipient of divine revelations over the last two decades, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius has been warning the world community about the dangerous turn in human affairs in our times. On numerous occasions, this Elect of Allah (swt) shared prophecies about calamities waiting to unfold, including through the outbreak of pandemics. For instance, while speaking against the backdrop of Influenza A virus on Sunday, the 10th of May 2009, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) presciently stated- sharing revelations foretelling calamities: 

'Troubling times, troubling times, troubling times, that which they asked for, the wrath from the Heavens will eat them from within, leaving no choice whatsoever for reconciliation with their own conscience. A calamity more poignant than poison will, manifest from their inside, affecting their body systems and rendering them powerless. You saw the consequence of the AIDS Virus; more viruses will come to manifest and one of them will be mortal, and without cure like I revealed to you long time ago. The world is at a critical age, facing perplex situations of how to save humanity from all sorts of contamination from the AIDS Virus. Now they will come face again all sorts of trials of this sort because of their disobedience to the Divine Will. Man and man will perish, widows will be seen lamenting, children will have no future whatsoever...Can you stop your Lord from doing what He wills? The sky is in lament for the earth has rejected the instructions of your Lord...'       

It is gratifying to note that distinguished scientists and concerned intellectuals confirm, through their own independent studies and reasoned perspectives, the essential truth of these divine revelations concerning the outbreak of a deadly virus/global pandemic impacting the whole humanity at large, Alhamdulillah. For instance, Bill Gates has been speaking about the need for the world community to be prepared for dealing with such a scenario, like he explains here

In a special message delivered on 31 March 2020, Imam Azim (atba) addresses all humanity,  putting forth very pertinent points central to the larger issues being raised in this context. In this important message, Hadhrat Saheb (atba) reminds the world nations, and the scientific community at large: 'Bear in mind, Allah will use your own inventions to punish you or He may send unprecedented forms of punishments to act as warnings for you so that you may return to the right path. The time is indeed critical.Reform your ways and return back to Allah [God Almighty]. Do not let evil get the best of you. Repel evil with goodness and with prayer.' Indeed, the good future of humanity depends upon a great transformation in individual and collective lives and outlook of people, a project that needs to be pursued with soulful prayer- sublime invocations like the ones revealed to Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) in the early days of the divine manifestation, during the SARS epidemic (2002-3): 'O our Lord, do not kill us with Your Anger; do not destroy us with Your Punishment; Save us before this happens.”     

Read the Special Message Below: 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus: A Grave Sign

The Signs of Allah-IV

As Messenger of God, and Reviver of the Faith in this century, Allah sent several signs in favour of my truthfulness, just as in the past century there were many signs, including the sign of the plague as a sign in favour of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). 

In his book “Our Teachings”, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) writes: “No calamity strikes if there is not an order emanating from heaven, and no calamity can be removed, if mercy does not descend from the heavens.”


Regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, this is a serious warning from God, an admonition [warning] to those who persist in hostility, because He was very marked by the prevailing sin, hostility and indifference of the people and thus Insha-Allah, the Coronavirus can be annihilated with prayer.

By the grace of Allah, I received a revelation just after the Salaat-Ul-Zuhr on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 and I sat on the Musallah and I made a lot of duahs, concerning this deadly virus. I received the following revelation: -

“The Coronavirus / Covid-19 Pandemic will not go away unless sin and transgression beforehand go away. The bright sun is darkened because of sins. The earth launched this pandemic to scare and warn.” (This is the revelation).

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Reality of Divine Trials

Continuing the series of discourses on the Divine Signs of our times against the backdrop of the horrific global pandemic COVID-19, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir. A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius, in his Friday Sermon of 27 March 2020~02 Shabaan 1441 AH, underscores the need for being clear-headed about the phenomenon of Divine punishments. People should not confuse calamities that engulf sinful nations after a messenger is raised among them- to warn them of the Days of God- with the trials that servants of God meet with in worldly life. Both have different objectives and contrasting outcomes. While every trial contains within it the seeds of personal reform and social transformation, such trials do not benefit the arrogant, and the ensuing punishment destroys a sinful order to its core. On the other hand, the trials of the truly humble allow them to remain steadfast even in the face of despair and gloom in the vagaries of life, in utter self-surrender to the Will of God. Even when the believers are shaken by the tests of faith, Divine Law prevails against all odds.  Moreover, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) in the sermon also shares recent revelations on the subject of Divine Trials and Anger in our times, and offers profound guidance on course-correction from the brink of mounting disasters facing humanity today: turn to God in repentance for the excesses and sins of life; offer fervent supplications in the quest for Divine Forgiveness and Mercy, Insha Allah, Aameen.  

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Truth about 'Isra-Miraj'

'Isra wa Miraj' is one of the most celebrated events in the Muslim cultural consciousness, and every year on the 27th of Rajab in the Hijri calendar, Muslims mark one of the greatest mystical experiences the Prophet Muhammad (sa) have had in his eternally-blessed life. Whereas 'Isra' points to the Night Journey from Makka to Jerusalem undertaken by the Holy Prophet (sa) in the space of a single night; 'Miraj' denotes the Heavenly Ascension where the Holy Prophet(sa) encountered several Judeo-Christian prophets and finally came into the Divine presence: within two-bows'length of God Himself or nearer (53:10). The spiritual journeys of the Holy Prophet(sa) are significant for the deep connection it establishes between Divine messages of the past and the present- between Islam and the Prophetic heritage of old, with the ancient religions with Jerusalem as their spiritual home. Likewise, it was during the Miraj that the ritual prayer of Islam- the Salat- recieved its present form and shape.

Although rooted in events indicated in the Qur'an, with a range of details described also in scores of sacred traditions attributed to the Holy Prophet (sa); there is, however, much confusion and misunderstanding prevails among the masses concerning the true nature and meaning of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys. Whether both the Night Journey and the Heavenly Ascension were physical occurrences? Where these journeys point to one incident with two different names, or, are, in reality, two entirely-different incidents, or were they two-stages of one mystic experience? What is the meaning and significance of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys for devout Muslims- those who aspire to the Divine Presence in the fashion of the blessed Prophet of Islam? On the occasion of the Miraj Shareef- Saturday, 21 March 2020~ 27 Rajab 1441 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius made a well-rounded speech after the Salat-ul-Esha to explain concerning the 'Miraj and Isra'.

Here is the Text of the Speech:

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Legacy of Massih Maoud

On the occasion of Massih Maoud Day 2020, Imam Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius addressed members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International through a special Address at night on 23 March 2020 ~ 29 Rajab 1441 AH. The discourse of the Khalifatullah reflects on the blessed life and spiritual practices of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908), the man who made the claim of being the Massih Maoud of the previous era. The Divine revelations and special messages of God left behind by this great saintly figure of modern Islam continue to water the blessed, spiritual garden of this religion with the advent of a Divinely- elected Khalifatullah among the progeny of the Promised Messiah (as), Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.    

Read the Special Sermon Below: 


Today is exactly 131 years since the first oath of allegiance by divine order taken by the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of his followers.

The Promised Messiah (as) said, “This is an order from God: For the purpose of learning what true faith, true purity, love for the Lord, abandoning a life of iniquity, carelessness and unfaithfulness are, the seekers of truth must take before me the oath of allegiance (Bai’ah).

Let those who feel able to join me, I will share their pain and strive to lighten their burdens. Through my prayers and thoughtful care, God will bless them, provided they wholeheartedly conform to the conditions of the Pact of Allegiance which are divinely inspired.