What does Islam ask of Us ?
Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam is not a new religion. It is a Jamaat among the other Jamaats that Allah (swt) has raised in this century to distinguish that it is in this Jamaat that Allah (swt) has sent His Chosen One with the Ruh’il Quddus (Holy Spirit) to remove humanity in general and particularly the Muslims from darkness (obscurity), and bring them towards the true teachings of Islam - divine teachings - because the true teachings were flouted by the so-called scholars, so-called connoisseurs of religion whereby they invented many non-Islamic things they took from other religions, from other non-Islamic cultures and brought them in the Deen (religion) of Allah, i.e. Islam. And it is a religion which Allah has Himself given the name, like He declared in the Holy Quran:
Al-Yawma ak-maltu lakum Diinakum wa atmamtu alaykum ni’-matii wa raziitu lakumul Islaama Diinaa. “This day I have perfected for you your religion, and have completed My favour upon you and I am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you.” (Al-Maida, 5:4)
So you see how it is Allah (swt) Himself Who has perfected this religion and completed His favour upon us. That is to say, He has put therein all that is good for us, all the divine codes so that we may lead our lives in His obeisance, Him Who is our Creator, and the obeisance of His Prophet (pbuh), wherein (i.e. the Holy Quran) He has put not one, not seven but seven hundred (700) commandments for us to abide and follow and it is in this Book itself that we shall have solutions to all problems. All remedy is found in the Holy Quran, and it is for this reason that Islam and the Holy Quran shall always walk hand in hand for they are both final; there shall never be another religion other than Islam, neither another religion nor another Perfect Book other than the Holy Quran and that is why Allah (swt) says: “I am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you.”