[These are extraordinary times in the
history of Islam-of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. Like
providential rain on a parched earth, Allah (swt) is pouring down His
messages and revelations on His chosen servant at a time when the
world is desperately looking for Divine guidance.
'...O you who have believed, follow the path of Allah, obey His Messenger and seek a means to come closer to your Rab. Strive to tread on His path so that you may prosper and seek to please Allah, and Allah shall remove you from darkness and lead you towards light. Through His grace He guides you to a righteous path. Recall the favour of Allah upon you when He removed you from obscurity and made you take the Bai’at in the hand of My servant and it is (verily) with Allah that you have taken the Bai’at.
below are extracts from the Friday
Sermon of 29 June 2018 (14 Shawwal 1439 AH) delivered by Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad
Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius. Like
the previous posts in the series, in the present post also, Hadhrat
Khalifatullah (atba) continues to present before the world, especially to his
disciples and followers in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, the
most recent of Divine revelations the Lord Almighty has descended on his
blessed heart. These Divine messages contain a gist of the
Qur'anic wisdom for the spiritual illumination of all human souls, reminding everyone
about the consequences of their choices including through contemporary
illustrations, urging in the strongest of terms to tread the path of purity and
obedience to God and His Messenger and His Khalifa of this era, Alhamdulillah, Soumma
'...O you who have believed, follow the path of Allah, obey His Messenger and seek a means to come closer to your Rab. Strive to tread on His path so that you may prosper and seek to please Allah, and Allah shall remove you from darkness and lead you towards light. Through His grace He guides you to a righteous path. Recall the favour of Allah upon you when He removed you from obscurity and made you take the Bai’at in the hand of My servant and it is (verily) with Allah that you have taken the Bai’at.
Therefore follow the command of Allah. Allah
verily knows what is in your hearts. Keep firm with Allah and His Messenger and
always attest to the truth. Do not let the hatred of those who do not believe
affect you and hinder you from establishing justice between truth and
falsehood. This makes you come closer to the path of Allah. Follow Allah’s
order because Allah is aware of all that you do. Allah makes this promise to
those who have believed sincerely that they shall gain (His) forgiveness and a
great reward. On the other hand, those who reject Our signs shall become the
in-dwellers of the great fire (hellfire). I, Allah, I am Al-Jaleel.