Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah (swt) has given me the Tawfiq again to continue the second part of my sermon which I started last Friday.
So, I advise all
members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam around the world (countries where the
Jamaat has been established) and this is also an advice to all Muslims and
Ahmadis also in particular, that when you hear about morality, and topics
dealing on excellent behaviour, you must not think that all people will have got
(or hear about) the message, and will have made their own reform. On the
contrary, there are certain moral values that the Jamaat must absolutely protect. And do not
stay indifferent when you see a member
of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam do something bad.
There are some people
of the Jamaat, who when they talk with other people who do not form part of our
Jamaat - especially in my absence - even manage to exceed all limits. They
endlessly talk about many things - that are not necessarily based on truth -
and this can put the Messenger of Allah in very difficult situations and then
these other people come to believe in their words. This is actually a very
serious thing and which spreads a bad smell and the smell can spread
everywhere, and even manages to come on the Jamaat and the Messenger of Allah
without him (this humble self) aware of what these people have spread and then
it becomes an uncontrollable rumour that is not based on truth, which gets
worse and worse and then pollutes the entire ocean.
Certainly all the
prophets have experienced such situations. If you happen to find someone of
Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam committing an action that can cause him and his family
to be thrown in the fire, therefore if you find this and you do nothing, and
you sleep in peace or you show yourself indifferent, then it will mean that
there is weakness in your faith (Iman).
If it’s like that, then it means that you have not understood the decree of
Allah, and why He removed you from the other side (the other Jamaat) and placed
you among the first who recognized His Chosen Messenger of this century.
(Keep in mind) You have not only recognized the Messenger but you form part of the Jamaat of Allah and thus, who is luckier than you who are in the Divine Manifestation? Certainly it will be engraved in the history one day, where our future generations will research about you and you shall be the most honoured before our Creator (Allah) because you recognized His Messenger with whom He has sent a Jamaat and multiple divine manifestations. So it is us whom Allah has honoured with the task to revive the true teachings of Islam that have been violated and trampled under the feet of so-called Mullahs.
(Keep in mind) You have not only recognized the Messenger but you form part of the Jamaat of Allah and thus, who is luckier than you who are in the Divine Manifestation? Certainly it will be engraved in the history one day, where our future generations will research about you and you shall be the most honoured before our Creator (Allah) because you recognized His Messenger with whom He has sent a Jamaat and multiple divine manifestations. So it is us whom Allah has honoured with the task to revive the true teachings of Islam that have been violated and trampled under the feet of so-called Mullahs.