According to the Holy Qur’an, men of purified intelligence
can ‘read’ the ‘world’ as a ‘text’. For, the Signs of Allah are present everywhere
for the discerning eye. And there are many prophecies that will find there fulfilment
in the promised Latter Days of Islam. Many of these prophecies have been indeed
fulfilled in the times of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as). And hidden dimensions
and other subtleties of those prophecies unclear in the previous era will
unveil itself and become apparent in the present times, Insha Allah, with Allah the Most High raising His Chosen Messenger
for the era, Hadhrat Munir
Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius amongst us, Alhamdulillah.
One of the stunning prophecies made by the Promised Massih
Hadhrat Ahmad (as) was about the arrival of the ‘Zaki Ghulam’/ ‘Musleh Maoud’ in the Jamaat-a- Ahmadiyya, who would be a servant of Allah for his times.
Ruminating on future world events, the Promised Massih (as) indicated about
troubling times ahead when there will be wars and countries invading one
another, and instances of kings subjugating kings. He specifically mentioned
that the centre of these all-encompassing troubles shall be Syria and that is
the political and material context in which the Musleh Maoud would be making
his Divine Mission. Most aspects of the signs were fulfilled in the times of Hadhrat
Khalifa Sani Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra), physically and literally. When Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) made his public claim of being the Musleh Maoud, the Second World War was still raging and there were troubles all over the Middle East and beyond, as indicated in the sacred prophecies.
is astonishing to note that a great blessing for our times is that Allah has
once again raised a spiritual son of the Promised Massih (as) with the grand
title of ‘Musleh Maoud’ on February 20, 2004. It is also instructive to note that the political and military scenario emerging and
unfolding in our times as well point to the arresting scenarios divined in the prophecies, if one pays close attention to the developments
in the Arab world in the last decade and elsewhere. Indeed, for those who believe
in Allah and His astoundingly subtle ways, these are times of a second Musleh Maoud in the personhood of Hadhrat
Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba), spiritually and metaphorically fulfilling
the great Divine prophecies in this era.