[The series of articles on the family and spiritual background of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius looks at his life before the Divine Call. The previous instalments in the series were published here at the Sahih Al Islam Blog on October 24 & 26 & on November 03, 2011. While the first two parts detailed the family lineage and provided an account about the righteous parents of the Khalifatullah, the third instalment dealt with the events of his childhood days, especially his Thabligh encounters against the spiritual opponents of Ahmadiyya Islam and his enthusiasm and enterprise in spreading the message of Islam among the people as a young man.
The current instalment chronicles the services of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib to the Jamaat of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as). In his intrinsic quest for rendering services to Islam, he preferred to work with the organizational framework of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, rather than pursuing job opportunities elsewhere. It is highly unusual for someone who has not graduated from any Jamia to become a full-pledged missionary of the Jamaat. Yet, Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib went on to serve and become highly effective and successful in his Dawa works in Mauritius and outer Islands so much so that even the Caliph of the day was highly appreciative of his selfless services to the Jamaat. Through out this period, his devotion to the cause of Islam enabled him to transcend the pettiness and decadence he observed and witnessed among the employees of the Jamaat, including hierarchical superiors within the Ahmadiyya establishment. The article further provides extracts from a recent speech - intensely moving, retrospective reflections on those eventful years-by the Khalifatullah].