Friday, April 22, 2011

The advent of Reformers in Islam

At the time of his proclamation as the Khalifatullah of this Era in 2008, Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib reflected on the Islamic belief about the coming of Divine reformers in every century and the extraordinary opportunity it represents for the common believers.  Here are the extracts:

“Belief in the coming of the advent of a Reformer has been held from before the time of Islam. It existed centuries before the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), as part of the Mosaic tradition. But in Islam the coming of a Reformer has been taught so systematically and determinately that we are obliged to regard it as one of the important beliefs of Islam.

Factors, which have strengthened and systematized the Islamic belief, are the following:

(1) The advent of a Reformer is described in Muslim traditions as the advent of a new era in the advancement of Islam. The conquest of other faiths by Islam was to wait on the coming of a Reformer. It was to be initiated by the Reformer.

(2) The coming of a Reformer has seemed like the coming of the Holy Prophet himself, the first believers of the Reformer like the first believers of the Holy Prophet (sa).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Corruption in the Nizam-e-Jamaat

In the Friday sermon of February 11, 2011, Hadhrat Khalifatullah exposed the nature of financial bungling and the parties involved in the corruption episode, inside the Mauritius Ahmadiyya Jamaat :

"There have been embezzlements in respect of the Nusrat Mosque in Quatre-Bornes (a fact which I mentioned in my Open Letter to Mr. Amine Jowahir on 27 January 2006), money-inflate of funds requested for the setting up of two gates at the Jalsa Gah. The initial amount requested was Rs.70000, whereas the values of the gates were less than Rs.40000.

Moreover, much lies is present about Jamaat Funds even in Amila proceedings. In a meeting on 04 September 1999, the Amila congregation was informed in Item 4.20 of the Minutes of meeting that:

“We have sent Rs.400000 to Madagascar for the construction of our school, as too much money is spent on the rent of a building for the running of our school there”.

An interesting remark is that firstly, the Majlis-e-Shurah never took such a decision and secondly, in a fax sent by Mawlana Siddique (from Madagascar) to Mauritius on 01 December 1999 (3 months after the meeting), the Mawlana has said:

“You will be pleased to learn that after so many efforts and patience, we have today obtained the property papers of our land at Andavamamba, Tananarive. Alhamdulillah. We most humbly request you to transfer the amount Rs Four hundred thousands (Rs 400,000) to our account in Madagascar.”

Now, why say “We have sent Rs.400,000 when afterwards, three months later Mawlana Siddique requested them to send over the money? Why this blatant lie? Moreover, there are instances when Jamaat money has entered the pockets of the financial in-charges instead of the Jamaat account.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Corruption in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat

“Where will the money come from? And how will such a community be born- a community of people willing to perform heroic feats for their faith? These are not the questions that worry me. I am more concerned that people coming after me may stumble when entrusted with such large amounts of wealth and that they may take to the love of this world”.  

   - Hadhrat Ahmad (as)  [ Al Wassiyat,  p.28, Qadian: Nazarat Nashro Ishaat, (2003) ]

No one would have been happier than the Promised Massih (as) to see that his fears were misplaced and that his Community will always tread in the path of righteousness and moral probity. Yet, the fact that he warned the Community on this ground shows that he knew that in the ebb and flow of time, the ruling elite in the Community will be guilty of financial impropriety and pecuniary misconduct. Some the visions of the Promised Massih (as), recorded in the Thadhkirah, also point to a time of decline of real spiritual fervour in the Community even as material riches and power ambitions engulf the leadership.  In short, the Promised Massih (as) knew that Imaan will desert the hearts of Ahmadis and go back to Pleiades necessitating the coming of other Elects of Allah in the Jamaat.

Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius has recently warned the leadership of the Ahmadiyya Community against the tendency to protect and preserve individuals and leaders who abuse their position to play with the hard earned money of common Ahmadis and those who are guilty of pecuniary misconduct and moral irresponsibility. He especially mentioned the case of the so called National Amir of Mauritius who is presiding over a corrupt establishment for many years and is being protected by the coterie around the Khalifatul Massih V.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon of February 11, 2011:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sign of Sahih Al Islam

“And as for the bounty of your Lord, do relate it to others” (93:12). 

Based on this Qur'anic criteria, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius is a frequent recipient of divine revelations and he keeps relating it to others, every now and then, the highest bounty any human being can have from his Lord, Alhamdulillahi Rabb'l Aalameen. 

On the other hand, Khalifatul Massih V Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib is NOT a recipient of divine revelations.


Read up the following extracts from the writings of the Promised Massih (as) and judge for yourself:

“The sign of a true religion is that through its teaching such righteous ones should continue to arise who should arrive at the stage of a Muhaddath to whom God Almighty should speak face to face. The first and foremost sign of the truth of Islam is that at all times it produces such righteous ones with whom God Almighty talks:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Promised Massih (as) and the new Mubahala

The Promised Massih Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian has had to confront his enemies all through his life. Sometimes, he invited them even to the decisive challenge of Mubahala. 

In his book  Sachchai ka Izhar” (The Truth Revealed), the Promised Massih (as) made important statements of principles that are directly relevant to the current Mubahala Challenge issued by the new Massih of Allah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius in the wake of the false allegations against him by the Ahmadi Maulvi Muhammad Ismail Sahib of Kerala. 

1. On the significance of Mubahala:

O Ye who reject me, come unto that which God and His Messenger (sa) have prescribed for the silencing of disbelievers. But if you should turn away, know that the curse of God befalls the disbelievers whose fear and retreat is testimony to their falsehood”. (p.22)

 2.    On Sending the Announcement of Mubahala through Registered Post

A mubahala is not a trivial business  which can be entered into lightly. This matter should be decided once and for all. Thus, whosoever demurs after reading this advertisement and eschews this challenge will have no right in the future to issue a mubahala and may shamelessly call me what he wills from the shadows. Thus, to precipitate the denouement of this affair, numerous copies of this announcement will be sent by registered post so that my opponents will have no cause for excuse.  (pp.20--21)

3. Consequence of rejection of Mubahala:

“However, if any of them should baulk at taking part in the mubahala, upon reading the announcement that has been sent to them through registered post, their demurral will suffice to show that they are false and unjust in their edicts of disbelief”. (p.20).

In the present case,  the Khalifatullah openly challenged the Maulvi to accept the Mubahala duel  on March 11, 2011. When the General Secretary of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Kerala sent him the official letter containing the Friday Sermon and the Mubahala Challenge, the Maulvi even feared to accept it and it returned back to the sender with the reason “refused”! By refusing to accept the Registered Post containing the Mubahala Challenge,  sent on behalf of the Massih of Allah,  Maulvi Muhammad Ismail Sahib shows that he has no cause for excuse. 

To put it mildly, according to the criteria given by the Promised Massih (as), the Maulvi’s reluctance is suffice to show that he is “false and unjust” in his behaviour which prompted the Mubahala Challenge. Now, is it a mere coincidence that the book of the Promised Massih (as) is titled The Truth Revealed”? After all, if Ahmadi Ulema were true and just, why would Allah send an Elect of His in this age?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Divine Claims and the Prayer Methods

Allah the Most High has provided means for the assurance and conviction of people who are never satisfied with mere hearsay, however conclusive may be the evidence in support of it. The Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) thus prescribed prayer as a sure method to test and verify the claims of an Elect of Allah. The Promised Massih (as) advised the people:

A person should for forty consecutive days offer the following prayer with an unbiased mind, the last thing at night beseeching God in the following words:-

“Lord, if this man who claims that God has sent him to establish the Divine faith of Islam in the world, by presenting it in its true form and thus inducing men to believe in it, has in truth been sent by Thee, then I, who owing to my ignorance of real facts, am unable to arrive at a correct decision concerning the Truth, pray Thee, O Truth, that are the Fountain Head of all Truths, and O Guide, that are the Source of all guidance, and O Merciful One, that loves not to see Thy creatures troubled, make his Truth manifest unto me”. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Khalifa Sani on the Advent of Mujaddidin

The advent of a Mujaddid or a Divine reformer in the new century of Islam after the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) points to a serious spiritual obligation on the part of all Muslims, including the devout Ahmadis. For, the spiritual doctrine pertaining to the renewal of faith in every century of Islam approaches the issue as one of Divine Blessings for acceptance and also, a Divine Trial for rejection. It is incumbent upon all Ahmadis to recognize and accept and help such a Divine Reformer or a Mujaddid, whenever such servants of God make an appearance in the community of believers. 

In the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, with the appearance of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius as the Divinely-raised Muhyi-ud-Din Khalifatullah- Renewer of Faith and the Khalifa of Allah- , Ahmadi Muslims are increasingly examining the books and other literary works left behind by the spiritual successors of the Promised Massih (as) in the past, to understand the real interpretation and true conception of the spiritual doctrine. Common Ahmadis often wonder about the true status of the institution of Khilafat as it exists in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. 

Many Ahmadis think that Qudrat-e-Saniya or the doctrine of second manifestation of Divine Power means the present Khilafat system in the Jamaat, whereby whenever there is a vacancy on the position of leadership, the community will come together and elect as the head a very sincere member of the Jamaat. By working together under his leadership, the Community can gain progress in all the works that the Jamaat is meant to do. This conception leaves no room for the acceptance of a Divinely raised soul outside of the electoral assembly devised for the purpose of selecting the Khalifa. While one can value and support the instition of man-made Khilafat so long as it retains its purity and limits of doctrinal framework, every one has the duty to be part of the arrangement.

But the moment Allah (twa) raises His Messenger in His Infinite Wisdom, it is the duty of all believers to humbly accept and recognize such a Divine servant. Every episode of the claim of beinga recipient of Divine revelations will necessarily involve a trial for the believers and as such, it shall be the duty of the leadership to show humility and careful deliberation to understand the Divine wisdom its complex setting, rather than seeking to ridicule the Divine Message being poured down through a humble servant of God. Viewed in this way, Ahmadis will be able to accommodate their system of elected leadership within the Divine framework   (Sunnat Allah) of sending His Elects among the people till the Day of Judgement.