Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib of Germany claims to be the
Mujaddid of the Fifteenth Century of Islamic Calendar. Yet,
his claim to the august office is dripping with the blood of a holy man of God: His g
rand theory of Zaki Ghulam is
built upon cutting the jugular vein of Hadhrat Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra), second Khalifa in the Ahmadiyya Community who once claimed he was elevated to the position of
‘Musleh Maoud’ by Allah, the Most High based on His commitment/glad tidings vouchsafed to his illustrious biological (and spiritual) father, the Promised Massih Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian.
According to Janbah Sahib, the second caliph was not a 'Zaki Ghulam' (pure son) or the 'Musleh Maoud' (Promised Reformer) as foretold in the revelations vouchsafed to the Massih Maoud (as). He was, in the viewpoint of Janbah Sahib, a fake claimant. Janbah Saheb theorizes that for making the 'false' claim of being a fulfillment of Divine prophecies, the second caliph of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian) was punished by God Almighty. In support of his claim, the Janbah Sahib points to his own claim of being the real "Musleh Moaud". His apparent evidence is the incident of a life-altering, stab attack on the second caliph in 1954, by an impressinable youth who was brainwashed by the scheming Mullahs of Pakistan that committing of murder (assassination of the second caliph) is the way to Heaven.
That the second caliph had to deal with the aftermath of a violent attack on his life is a fact of history. The grievous injury on his neck was of such a nature that survival from it was almost impossible; a miracle as stunning as the deliverance from the Cross of the man of God, the escape of the Messaih Jesus (as).
Janbah sahib points out that after making the claim of being the ‘Musleh Maoud’, the second caliph eventually died within a period of 23 years. He argues by linking these two factors to establish / prove that the second caliph met with an accursed death of a false claimant of Divine revelations. Janbah Sahib further links the truthfulness of the claim of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius as the Muhyi-ud-Din/ Khalifatullah/Messenger of Allah of this age, is inextricably intertwine with the truthfulness of the second caliph (ra). Janbah Sahib has however, then, sought to create a barrier between them by accusing the Khalifa Sani of having met with an accursed death.
The hollowness of the basic claim of Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib was exposed by Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius, in his Friday Sermon of January 21, 2011. In response to a question by Shabeeb Haneef Sahib of Kerala in this regard, Mansoor Ahmad Sahib of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Islah Pasand/ the party of Janbah sahib, has once again presented this satanic theory and the same was published online at their website recently with the title: “Lion of God”.