Friday, September 8, 2017

'Eid-ul-Adha' Sermon 2017

Eid-ul-Adha commemorates the great sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and Hazrat Ismail (as). It is indeed Hazrat Ibrahim (as) who accomplished all rights of fidelity. He could not have become an intimate creature and servant of Allah, were it not for the sincerity, cleanliness and purity he displayed, and it would have been difficult for him to arrive at such stage (in the eyes of Allah/ in the realm of spirituality).

To fulfil all rights of fidelity, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) had to make such efforts to purify his heart and remove all 'Ghairullah' (all that is not Allah) and filled it with the love of Allah and act according to the will of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim (as) had persevered in this path and showed himself ever firm, to such an extent that he once dreamt that he was sacrificing his son. So, concerning his dream, he could have given it several interpretations, but his faith in Allah was so firm that he decided to go through with the literal sacrifice of his young son, with his own hand.

Ponder over this. Imagine the state of a person if his son suddenly dies due to some illness. That person can reach such stage where he starts to have all kinds of doubts on Allah, and thus he opens his mouth to utter countless complaints and objections against Allah.

So, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) crushed the love he had for his son and above all preferred to show his love for Allah (swt). This kind of person, Allah does not let him lose anything and he becomes the friend of Allah.

When you read the Holy Quran, you see how much love he had for Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) in return gave him lots of revelations and granted him, in his progeny, prophets. Both his sons Ismail (as) and Ishaq (as) were prophets and through them (i.e. their bloodline), many more prophets came.  In the example  of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), there is a lesson for all humanity; a lesson of sincerity and faithfulness. That is why Ibrahim (as) has been qualified as the one who showed faithfulness (fidelity) and sincerity.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Surah Quraysh: A Commentary

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
2. For the covenants (of security and safeguard enjoyed) by the Quraysh,
3. Their covenants (covering) journeys by winter and summer,-
4. Let them worship the Lord of this House,
5. Who provides them with food against hunger, and with security against fear (of danger)!

The Quraysh loved their city, Mecca and they were proud of this place. First of all, Mecca is positioned in such a way that the Quraysh and the other inhabitants of Mecca felt safe and moreover this place was the ideal place for trade and through this they earned a lot of profits. With all the facilities that Allah has given them, they should have been the first to accept that the message that Allah had revealed through His beloved Prophet (pbuh) is a message of truth. But unfortunately they turned their backs except a small part of them who had accepted the Message of Islam.

Who had given the Quraysh their talents for commerce/ trade, manual works and how to straighten out a difficult situation? It is Allah of course! He also gave them intuitions to move at the right time to trade and make Mecca a place where no enemy could enter. Despite all this, they rejected the message of Allah. Instead of showing gratitude to Allah, they denigrated His signs and His prophet.

This Surah shows us that all our successes and the powers we possess on this earth come from Allah. Without Him, we are helpless and powerless. So, for all the blessings that He gives us we must be grateful to Him for this and we must worship Him alone as He deserves and we must see that all our actions are in accord with His will and glory.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Advices for a Good Future

A Blessed Friday 

....(B)y the grace of Allah, today “it is a blessed Friday for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Mauritius, of course!” It is verily a grace, a blessing for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Mauritius. When Allah is blessing the members of our Jamaat, it is tantamount to Him blessing the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. When Allah is pouring down His grace and blessings upon His chosen servants, upon people who show obedience to Allah and His Prophet, then definitely Allah shall reward them. 

When Allah gives an instruction, the instruction/ message comes from Allah, or even when the Messenger of Allah gives some instructions, advices and messages, then you simply have to say: Labbaik! (Here I am - (In other words) I am ever ready to follow the instructions, to submit to the will of Allah). Likewise, ponder over how many “Labbaik, Allahumma Labbaik” our brothers and sisters who are going for the Hajj shall pronounce. We also, in all our sacrifices for the cause of Allah and to please Allah, we say “Labbaik”. We do not go against those instructions, we do not start any dispute and lengthen it but instead we simply submit and obey Allah and His Prophet.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

'Surah Al- Fil': A Commentary

Holy Qur'an, Chapter 105


1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

2. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions (i.e., owners) of the elephant?

3. Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray?

4. And He sent against them Birds in flocks,

5. Striking them with stones of hard-baked clay.

6. Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, (of which the crops) has been eaten up.




This Surah was revealed at Mecca in the early days of the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). It speaks about the event that took place in the year of the birth of the Holy Prophet (saws), around the year 570 of the Christian calendar. Yemen at that time was under the control of the Abyssinians who were Christians and the latter had driven out the Jewish government that was in power at that time. Abraha Al-Ashram was the governor or Viceroy of Abyssinia. The thirst for power led him to self-proclaim himself king. With a desire to finish Iman (faith), he had walked towards Mecca with his army to attack and destroy the Ka'aba. He had several elephants in his army. But Allah (swt) demonstrated His miracle and sent His curse and wrath upon this army. Those who guarded the Ka'aba were very frightened because the Abyssinian army was very strong, but Allah (swt) sent a rain of rocks over them through birds that destroyed this great army. These rocks opened their flesh and this triggered an epidemic like plague among the entire army and destroyed them all.

This is a lesson for man, teaching him never to be tempted by the power of this temporal world and not to believe that he is superior in authority to other people and he should not also think that he can do all that he wants, even to the extent of going against faith and the will of Allah, for never will Allah allow these kinds of people to live if they try to hurt His honour and go against His will.