Sunday, January 18, 2015

Parental Responsibilities

Nowadays parents are teaching their children a lot on only the material aspect of education. They make all necessary preparations in this field ever since the birth of their children. Here, in Mauritius, we see children being admitted to pre-primary schools at around 3 years old, and when they reach their 5 years old, they go to primary school, then secondary, and finally to university, be it locally or they are sent abroad (to pursue their studies). Parents are ready to make debts so that their offspring study to obtain a degree or diploma. They readily invest a lot of money to secure his (material) future. They are even ready to mortgage their houses, lands to make their children succeed in their advanced studies and become doctors, engineers or lawyers etc., and they do it all with much pride.

All these endeavours are very good, I am not condemning this, but you (parents) should not look at only the material aspect of your children’s education. When you do so, you let this world attract you more so that you may get acclamations in society as the parent/s of such doctor, lawyer etc; and, this despite being overloaded with debts which you contracted to make him/her reach this level of mundane success. And, this despite the fact that there is no guarantee that he/she is grateful to you for the sacrifices done to make him/her get his/her diploma; he may as well neglect you and cast you aside. Or, despite the efforts made, even if your child succeed in becoming a doctor, engineer, lawyer etc., but at the end of the day he is null in Deen (religious) matters. All in all, it is a serious matter for you as parents if all this does not affect you the least.

The neglect of Deen

If your child turned out to be ungrateful and/or disconnected with religion after having obtained his degree as a doctor, or lawyer, and he does not pray Salat/Namaz, neglect the reading of the Holy Qur'an and is not at all attached to the religion of Islam, does this not bring a regret in your heart? Does this not affect you if he is Muslim only in name? Then, who is responsible for this state of affairs? This makes you go back in time to see whether you have given him some teachings of the religion of Islam (and how much of it). If ever you actually gave him some training in Deen (religious) matters, then bear in mind that this is not restricted to only a little practice of Namaz (obligatory prayers) – even then, even if prayer is not done in time – or a little reading of the Holy Quran – whenever he gets the time to do so! Despite a little practice of Namaz (Salat) and Qur'an reading, bear in mind that your child has not obtained all Islamic teachings!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

On the "Charlie Hebdo" Attack in Paris

The European religious history in the last millennium is stained with despicable attacks on Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). The culprits, in their ignorance and hostility, seek to insult and defame the faith of the Muslims, parading and projecting a most hateful image of the religion of Allah (twa) and slandering and caricaturing  the fair name of its Holy Founder so as to destroy his reputation in the eyes of the general public in their societies. Contemporary caricaturing of the Holy Prophet (sa) in the Western media essentially inherits this imbecility from that unfortunate legacy of hate speech and blasphemy, and all of this is indulged in the sacred name of liberty of expression and press freedom.   

As a Divinely-raised Warner and the Mujaddid (Reviver of Faith among the Muslims) of our times, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius has, on several occasions in the last decade, spoken up against this caricaturing of the Holy Prophet of all Muslims in the western press, warning that such offences are punishable in this very world and the repercussions shall be worst for the culprits and their societies. In the aftermath of the recent incidents involving Charlie Hebdo, political analysts confirm that the attacks indeed constitute an "earthquake" for the French society, parading the inadequacies of the French Republic to come to terms with the societal transitions in its backyard and the collective failures in imagining a shared future that accommodates the diversities and integrate the people on the basis of its professed, foundational principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. The astonishing prophecy issued by Hadhrat Sahib (atba),  warning the Charlie Hebdo and the likes in 2011,  had been documented at that time in the Blog and can be read here

Presented below are brief remarks on the Chalie Hebdo attack in Paris made by the Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) in his Friday Sermon of January 16, 2015: 

Before coming to the heart of my Khutba Jummah (Friday Sermon) on the duties and obligations of parents towards their children, I would like to say few words concerning the Paris “Charlie Hebdo” attack.

As you all know by now, on Wednesday 7th January 2015 some people opened fire on the newspaper staffs (among others) of “Charlie Hebdo” in France (12 victims), in one of the abominable bloodshed on the soil of France, as the news channel and other media do not hesitate to state. And as usual, Islam is being blamed for such atrocity and not the people behind it.

And as you all know, years ago, around 2006 and 2011, in the backdrop of the first cartoon calumniation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), I issued a prophecy, a clear warning that those who shall play with the purity of the person of the Holy Prophet of Islam shall be punished by Allah, the Most High. Indeed liberty of expression is one thing and calumniating the heart of a religion on the basis of a so-called liberty of expression is another. Indeed the Messenger of Allah cannot tolerate that a single calumniation be brought on the person on the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and I shall continue to defend his honour till my last breath.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A 'Khalifatullah' among Ahmadis

 The System of Khilafat in Islam

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will, surely, make them SUCCESSORS in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will, surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and exchange security and peace after their fear; They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso disbelieves after that, they will be the rebellious.

Hazrat Huzaifa (r.a) reported that Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) said that prophethood will continue to stay among you for as long as Allah wishes and whenever there is a need to remove these favours, then Khilafat based on the system after prophethood will be established. Then Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) remained silent for a while.

The lapse of time of his quietness, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) was receiving some messages. That silence increased the inquisitiveness of the sahabas. That silence announced a message coming from Allah that He will send a Khalifa who will stand as a guardian and will guide people to the right path. But when this will continue, people will start having fear for the Khulafa, instead of Allah (swt). And when this fear takes place in the heart, they will start having fear of man and they will invite others towards him, instead of ALLAH. From the verse “Khalifa” is based from prophethood system. Allah raised this person with the status of prophethood where revelation descends upon him.

Khulafa-ur-Rashidun and the Mujaddidin

We all understand that after the deaths of the four Khulafa of Islam, were there not Khulafa who guided their communities on the right path? This procedure had continued till Allah sent Mujaddidin and even nowadays do you think that only the Ahmadiyya Association has a Khalifa, other Muslims sects do not have Khulafa (for their respective sects)? So to understand this. (Khilafat based on the system after prophethood), when this system is being corrupted and misguided, by the grace and mercy of Allah, He raises a Khalifa on the prophethood system. The “Khalifatullah” as he is chosen by Allah. Allah raises him, and he is not elected by man. Then Allah takes controls over him completely.

This verse of the Qur'an is very clear and there is no controversy into it; Allah makes a promise from this verse that those who do good actions, what are these good actions? Those who will worship Allah only and will never associate anybody to Him, that is, those who will have only the fear of Allah in their heart. Allah will give these people successors in this world. Allah will raise a Khalifa among them as a reward of these good actions and He will bestow peace and security after their fear.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

'Treat Your Parents Well'

The Khalifatullah (atba) is back home from London

Before getting to the heart of the subject of today’s Friday Sermon, Alhamdulillah, I thank Allah for the immense favour He pours down upon me and our Jamaat, which is making great progress day by day. Recently, like I informed you, I had to go to London, in the United Kingdom and Alhamdulillah, Allah has manifested many signs and has opened the door of Dawa all the more, so that people in general, and the Ahmadis in particular receive the message of peace which comes from Allah and His Khalifatullah of this era. 

The Dawa was great whereby many people – Christians, Hindus and Muslims (Afghans and Arabs etc.) received the message of the unity of Allah and of the advent of a Muhyi-ud-Din (Reviver of Faith) and Khalifatullah (Caliph of Allah) who has come to unite them together under the banner of “Laa-Ilaaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah (There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, as I was journeying to London, I made it a duty to try to contact the Khalifatul-Massih V, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Even before my departure, I sent his officers an email to inform him about my visit to London, and in London itself, I sent him a letter, a Message of Peace, which Insha-Allah, shall be official (along with the other materials) on the website very soon.

What is pleasantly astonishing is that the Ahmadis in London has not put any boycott on me. On the contrary, they received me with lots of love and teary eyes, in the mosque itself. And there was some talks and explanations on the divine manifestation which were very cordial and they even offered me a place to stay (with all provisions) but by the grace of Allah, Allah already made my provision in this regard, and I must appreciate this also. All in all, they are completely different from the Ahmadis in Mauritius with their boycott policy!


“And your Lord has commanded that you shall not worship (any) but Him, and good treatment to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them (so much as) “Ugh” nor chide them, but address them in terms of honour.” (17: 24).

These days, pupils are preparing themselves to take the way back to school. Children also have duties/homework which are not only academic in nature; indeed they also have to accomplish duties with due respect to Allah and His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). I have to tell you all children to keep in mind this motto: Water your mind with academic knowledge/education and water your soul with spiritual knowledge/education which is verily essential in the life of a believer, be him a small child or an adult. And this applies also for all children, even the adults who still are children of their old parents and who have the duty to take care of them.