Showing posts with label Shu'ara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shu'ara. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A 'Khalifatullah' among Ahmadis

 The System of Khilafat in Islam

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will, surely, make them SUCCESSORS in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will, surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and exchange security and peace after their fear; They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso disbelieves after that, they will be the rebellious.

Hazrat Huzaifa (r.a) reported that Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) said that prophethood will continue to stay among you for as long as Allah wishes and whenever there is a need to remove these favours, then Khilafat based on the system after prophethood will be established. Then Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) remained silent for a while.

The lapse of time of his quietness, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) was receiving some messages. That silence increased the inquisitiveness of the sahabas. That silence announced a message coming from Allah that He will send a Khalifa who will stand as a guardian and will guide people to the right path. But when this will continue, people will start having fear for the Khulafa, instead of Allah (swt). And when this fear takes place in the heart, they will start having fear of man and they will invite others towards him, instead of ALLAH. From the verse “Khalifa” is based from prophethood system. Allah raised this person with the status of prophethood where revelation descends upon him.

Khulafa-ur-Rashidun and the Mujaddidin

We all understand that after the deaths of the four Khulafa of Islam, were there not Khulafa who guided their communities on the right path? This procedure had continued till Allah sent Mujaddidin and even nowadays do you think that only the Ahmadiyya Association has a Khalifa, other Muslims sects do not have Khulafa (for their respective sects)? So to understand this. (Khilafat based on the system after prophethood), when this system is being corrupted and misguided, by the grace and mercy of Allah, He raises a Khalifa on the prophethood system. The “Khalifatullah” as he is chosen by Allah. Allah raises him, and he is not elected by man. Then Allah takes controls over him completely.

This verse of the Qur'an is very clear and there is no controversy into it; Allah makes a promise from this verse that those who do good actions, what are these good actions? Those who will worship Allah only and will never associate anybody to Him, that is, those who will have only the fear of Allah in their heart. Allah will give these people successors in this world. Allah will raise a Khalifa among them as a reward of these good actions and He will bestow peace and security after their fear.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Justice and Fairness under Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya

In an Open Letter addressed to the current head of the Ahmadiyya Community Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib in February 2011, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius called the attention of the Khalifa and the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya to the recurring instances of injustice within and the deeper structural malice that underwrites and perpetuates it. Justice is from the “blood” of Allah. Allah detests unfairness. Therefore He likes that justice pervades His kingdom, be it in the Heavens and Earth, especially so on earth, for the earth is filled with satanic forces which attract men towards doom with their chaotic evil plans, reminds the Khalifatullah.

Read the Extracts from the Open Letter:

“For now more than ten years, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya has lost its credibility in the eyes of people, and I dare say in the eyes of the Ahmadi people themselves. The teachings preached by the Promised Messiah (as) were foremost to enable the Ahmadi Muslims to inculcate the richness of Islamic faith in themselves and to become role models for other people, be them the rest of the Muslim Ummah or humanity at large. Unfortunately all these teachings have been trampled under the feet of Ahmadi people, through the wrong decisions which their Khulafa-tul-Massih have taken.

You have always based yourselves on the report of your Amirs, missionaries-in-charge and especially the Pakistani people working in close collaboration with you. You have always listened to only one side of matters of high importance and based yourselves on the so-called reports which your Amirs or missionaries-in-charge have sent you. I tried to analyse all these situations profoundly to understand the why of all your decisions as Khulafa-tul-Massih. Very often, you take such decisions which are aimed to humiliate people, send curse upon them, expel them from the Nizam-e-Jamaat Ahmadiyya or order that a social boycott be applied upon them, without realising that the sanction and judgement you took were never based on Taqwa (and I am saying this as from the period which Islam Ahmadiyya has taken the route of decline).

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is wrong with Ahmadiyya Khilafat?

The Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) promised the glad tiding of the arrival of his Mujaddidin or Divine Reformers in every century and warned the believers against complacency in recognizing him. Any one who refused to do so would meet with an ignorant death, the Holy Prophet (sa) warned. 

In his classic commentary on the Holy Qur’an, Hadhrat Khalifa Sani Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra) confirmed that Allah (swa) raised, among the followers of the Holy Prophet (sa), a galaxy of Divinely-inspired Reformers who successfully defended him and Islam in every age and guided and led the erring Muslims to the right path. He also pointed out that Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community, was the most distinguished of these Reformers and stated clearly that the process will continue till the Day of Judgement.

What did the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) say about the aforesaid Prophetic traditions? On several occasions, Hadhrat Ahmad (as) did confirm that both the traditions are based on a Divine Plan to secure Islam in every century. He also specifically said that there is nothing seditious about the appearance of a Mujaddid in the century after his departure.

Yet, today the mainstream Ahmadiyya Community follows a Khilafat system that is openly opposed to the appearance of Allah’s favour on believers in every age. Just as the Catholic Pope is in place for over millennia among the Christians, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat has completed a century and they hope to continue this way till the Day of Judgement through the election of the biological progeny of the Promised Massih (as). 

The process of electing a Khalifa inside the International Majlis Shura will take care of any vacancy in the office occasioned by the departure of the previous incumbent. No wonder, the Community follows a 'linear' understanding of Khilafat. Once the process is taken care of inside the International Shu’ara, there is no need for any divine guidance for the Community. 

In other words, the International Shu’ara of the Jamaat has already taken over the function of Allah with regard to guiding the Community forever! The only function of Allah is to sit quiet and approve the decision of the Shu’ara (God Forbid).  In short, it seeks to over throw the aforesaid Divine Plan through human ingenuity. 

In fact, any effort by Allah to send an Elect of His and thereby strengthen the Jamaat in a new century, will only create hurdles for the ruling elite! Khalifa will be forced to show humility and give space to an Elect of Allah to undertake his Divine Mission. It is ‘unthinkable’ for a Khalifa to vacate his position or even share some space in the spiritual realm so as to accommodate the Will of the Divine. From the majestic tower of their lofty position, any one who claims a Divine Mission will appear insignificant.They are the new "lords" beside Allah.

So, any Prophetic teaching that gives space for Allah to send an Elect of His should be viewed with suspicion and ought to be discredited at the earliest opportunity, irrespective of the fact that the teaching may have been confirmed and recognized by the Promised Massih (as) himself!  The advantage of this logic is that there would not be any mental block in throwing out an Elect of Allah through an administrative procedure within when he comes. Once the Elect of Allah is thrown out from the Jamaat system, deploy the army of Maulvis and Missionaries and Amirain in order to subjugate and brainwash common Ahmadis to toe the line of the leadership. It is precisely this logic that is at work in the Ahmadiyya Community today!

Yet, Ahmadiyya Khilafat is not the only group in history to have deployed human ingenuity to sustain their leadership against an Elect of Allah. And the Ahmadis are not the first group in history to consider that Allah has become weary of raising His Elects.

 Read the Holy Qur’an:

“And Joseph did come to you before with clear proofs, but you ceased not to be in doubt concerning that with which he came to you till, when he died, you said: ‘Allah will never raise up a Messenger after him’. Thus Allah judge as those who transgress and are doubters,

“Those who dispute concerning the Signs of Allah without any authority having come to them. Grievously hateful is it in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believe. Thus does Allah seal up the heart of every arrogant, haughty person”.  (40:35-36)  

Every Elect of Allah emerges to create 'a new world' and rejuvenate the spirituality in a 'dead earth'. After describing the examples of the people of Noah, the people of the Well, Thamud, Ad, Lot, and the Dwellers of the Wood, and the people of Tubba and Pharoah, the Holy Qur'an asks:

"Have we then become weary with the first creation? Nay, they are in confusion about the new creation" (50:16).