Showing posts with label amaanah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amaanah. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

'Amaanah' & 'Khiyaanah'

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: 


'Render back trusts to the one who entrusted it to you, and do not betray the one who betrays you.' (Abu Dawud)


Amaanah is honesty. Honesty is the respect of rights and commitments. It is also to assume one’s responsibilities. Responsibilities are a charge that Allah (twa) has entrusted to us. By fulfilling our responsibilities we render back trusts to the one who is entitled to it.


Faith is an Amaanah. The practice of religious obligations such as Prayers (Salat), Fasting (Sawm), Mandatory Tax (Zakaat) Pilgrimage (Hajj) or even the Wudhu and Ghusl, is an Amaanah.

To carefully learn the tenets of the Muslim faith and the laws of Islam is an Amaanah. To teach the Religion (Islam) is an Amaanah. To give sincere and dedicated advice is an Amaanah. Enjoining good and preventing evil, the Haraam (anything that is illegal) and injustices is an Amaanah.