Friday, June 13, 2014

A Historic Jumu’ah in Seychelles

Today Friday 06 June 2014, a historical Jummah by the grace of Allah (swt). After the registration of our Jamaat (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Seychelles) here and by this divine blessing many Christians in Seychelles like (in Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and the other small Islands etc.) took Baï’ats in the hand of this humble self, the Khalifatullah, and I hope that after my departure, all of you will continue this noble work and to spread this divine message which you have received during the one week’s work I am here. Insha-Allah.

Here in Seychelles most of the population is Christian, so before coming on my sermon of today, first of all I must thank all of you for welcoming me and my delegation here and all of you work have worked hard together with me and Allah has put His blessing in this noble work and now by grace of Allah the Jamaat (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam) is registered officially in all islands of the Seychelles. And now we have our Managing Committee and a national president and we rented a house for all the activities of our Jamaat and Jummah Prayer and Tarbiyyat class, Alhamdulillah. (For a related Report on the visit, click here). 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Khalifatullah visits Seychelles

 About Seychelles

The Seychelles consist of 115 small islands scattered across a wide area of the western part of Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the equator.

The original French colonists on the previously uninhabited islands, along with their black slaves, were joined in the 19th century by deportees from France. Asians from China, India, and Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) arrived later in smaller numbers. Widespread intermarriage has resulted in a population of mixed descent.

Creole, also called Seselwa, is the mother tongue of most Seychellois. Under the constitution, Creole, English, and French are recognized as national languages.

Mahé, the largest island, is 29 km long and mostly about 3 to 6 km wide. It has a population of over 70,000. About half of the population lives in or around Victoria, which is the capital, and indeed the only town in the Seychelles (nothing else is bigger than a village). Praslin, the second-largest island, is 13 km long and has a population of about 5,000. More than four-fifths of the population are Roman Catholics. There are also Anglicans, Christians of other denominations, Hindus, and Muslims.

A Dawah Mission to Seychelles 

The start of June 2014 saw to the departure of the Khalifatullah, Hazrat Munir A. Azim (atba) along with his delegation to the Seychelles, according to the Divine Instructions. Allah is ever with His chosen servants. When Allah gave an instruction, therefore He is the One who opens the way for His Elect to go and accomplish the works He has been instructed to do. Therefore, in the process Allah makes that way so bright and miraculous that it leaves no doubt as to the truthfulness of His blessed Messenger.

Friday, June 6, 2014

'Laa Ilaaha Illallah': Essence of Islam

Do you not see that Allah has cited the example of the good word as a good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches are high in the sky?

It produces its crop every season, as designed by its Lord. Allah thus cites the examples for the people, that they may take heed.

And the example of the bad word is that of a bad tree chopped at the soil level; it has no roots to keep it standing.

The verse of the Quran which I just read before you today, in a way or another is indicating to the Kalima Tayyeba, in an indirect way without the words “Laa Ilaaha Illallah” are being mentioned. In this verse, Allah (swt) “cited the example of the good word as a good tree”.

The good word which has been mentioned in this verse has been compared to a tree and the roots of this tree, is the proclamation of faith (Iman) which comes from within the depth of the heart of a believer; and its branches reaches the sky, and by this means, the good actions of a believer reaches the sky.

Like Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran (Ch. 35; v.11)“Anyone seeking dignity should know that to Allah belongs all dignity. To Him ascends the good words, and He exalts the righteous works.”

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Poem: 'A Prayer in Solitude'

O Allah, open the door of the heart
The mind has tried and tried and failed; 
not once has it succeeded.
You are All-Powerful and lacking nothing; 
why do You delay?
I am tossed between pain and pleasure; 
why have I not yet had a chance?

Have mercy, O Bountiful One! 
Take my mind at attention to the skies.
The mind asks for false comforts, 
and does not know the reality.
It hankers after worldly pleasures, 
and does not taste the nectar of the sound.
What should I tell the mind, and how should I persuade it?
It does not take to heart the words of my Rab
The mind is strangely made; it does not love and care for the sound.

How can it escape the cycle of eighty-four?
It does not repeat the Name of my Rab.
I will be buffeted in this world, 
and will be dragged headlong to the regions of death.
I have borne these sufferings for a long time. 
The mind does not heed and has forgotten.
You are the Moving Spirit in all hearts, O Lord, 
why do You not call this sufferer to You?
Except for You I have no other; 
You alone can take me to the eternal abode.