First of all, I must thank my Rab for giving me such golden opportunities to make up to now, twenty sermons on the subject of “duahs” (invocations) for the benefit of all my sincere disciples, the seekers of truth and all our other Muslim brothers, sisters and children, and also for humanity at large.
As you are aware, humanity is in danger; so we need to pray a lot. Only Allah (swt) will save us from all kinds of difficulties, dangers, sicknesses, viruses, crimes, economic problems, etc. Insha-Allah.
In this era, you all people are very fortunate to have a Messenger of Allah among you but alas few of you heed the message. Most people turn their backs to the divine message and blessings and scoff at the Messenger of Allah.
So fortunate are those who recognize the divine blessings and accept with full sincerity the Messenger of Allah. And I can assure these sincere disciples that Allah (swt) will bless you and you shall be always in the care of your Rab and in the hereafter you will receive, Insha-Allah, a great reward from your Creator and Allah (swt) will be pleased with you and you also will be pleased with Him. And all those sacrifices that you are presently doing for His cause in this temporal world shall be boundlessly magnified for you in the eternal world of Allah. Ameen.
Now, I put before you again some of the revealed duahs during this present Divine Manifestation (our era of great divine blessings):