A seal sets a distinction from all
other things. Now a Seal among humans and prophets bring about the exquisite
perfection of such a being without whom, the example of leader and follower
would be in vain. A true leader is the one who not only guides his people in
the right path, but also set examples for them to follow; such examples which
are priceless if only these peoples put those actions into motion. The followership
emotion derived from such leadership is simply amazing and beyond definition.
If the Quran is a Book sent to
mankind; not only Muslims, then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also not only a
prophet for the Muslims alone. As a Bringer of good news and a Warner he came
like his brethrens from among the prophets of the past, including his ancestor
and patriarch Abraham (uhbp) to preach the words of God Almighty so that
humankind may reform and connect with their Maker. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came
as a light to shed to pieces the darkness of unfaith and immorality.