Sunday, January 11, 2015

Muhammad- the Universal Prophet

The Holy prophet (pbuh) was born on 12th Rabi’ul Awwal. His father was Abdullah son of Abdul-Muttalib and his mother was Amina daughter of Wahab. It was in the year of Elephant, the year when Abraha an Abyssinian at the head of an army marched towards Mecca mounted on elephants in order to attack Mecca and demolish the Ka’aba. The march of elephants frightened the Arabs but Allah sent down a swarm of flying creatures which threw stones on the Abyssinian army. This event marked history for Allah after nominating the Muhammad (pbuh) as prophet, later revealed to him about what occurred to Abraha and his army in the year of his birth. This Surah is none other than Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant: Chapter 105). Allah relates therein how He crushed them and their evil plans.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to change the course of human history. His birth was like a spring of light which illuminated the Arabian Peninsula and the whole world.

According to various Qur’anic verses and prophetic traditions, we see the magnificence of the Prophet, whether in his physical features, and in his character. His physical beauty is comparable to the beauty of the fourteenth moon; and much more! Several of his companions have given details of his physical traits and his character. The Prophet (pbuh) had a beautiful constitution. He had a white complexion; a splendid white. His forehead was wide, and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and his eyes were beautiful, and the pupils of his eyes were black. His cilia were abundant. As for his nose, it was thin, and he had a sweet face. His beard was thick, and his neck was beautiful, being neither long nor short, to the point that if the sun hit him, it seemed like a cup of silver mixed with gold. In addition, the space between the shoulders of the Prophet (pbuh) was wide and his hair, which was neither thin nor curly, almost touched his shoulders. Aisha, his beloved wife reported that “the blessed hair of the Messenger of God (pbuh) were longer than those reaching the earlobes and shorter than those that reach the shoulders.” He was neither tall nor short. (Inset:  Hazratbal Mosque in Srinagar, Kashmir. It houses a hair of the prophet Muhammad. The "Moi-e-Muqqadas", arrived in Kashmir in 1699 during the time of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, is displayed on various occasions related with the life of the Holy Prophet ).

Saturday, January 10, 2015

'Illumine the World with the Light of Faith'

Today is 26 December 2014, and the last Friday of December, and also this is the first Friday of the month of Rabi’ul Awwal 1436 AH.

A new chapter in our lives is opening; a moment which we must seize and reflect upon and also to meditate on the life which God the Almighty, Allah (twt) gave us. Certainly, human life is like a flame we lit in the morning and which is put out in the evening. For the world in general, we enter a new year. Some prepare resolutions for this year, some reflect on their actions over the past year while others have fun and forget the next day and what will happen to them.

As for the believers, the people of understanding, they know very well that time is running out and it is a year in their lives which has died away; such days, nights, moments which they shall never live again, because what's past is past, and shall not return. They realize they are getting older and that the time of the encounter with the Lord is coming. Those who are truly pious and sincere, who consider this temporary world as a prison, it is with joy that they reflect on their encounter with God. This is confirmed in the following Hadith:

Some companions came to our beloved prophet Hadhrat Muhammad (sa) and asked him, “Who is the most intelligent person?” 

He replied, “Those people who remember death most and prepare for it most. These are the intelligent ones; they have excelled in the nobility of this world and the honour of the hereafter.”

The Sahaba (companions) asked: “What destroys passions?”  He replied: “Death.” (Ibn Majah, Tabraani)

Kullu nafsin-zaaa-‘iqatul-mawt.
Every soul shall taste death. (3: 186)

Death does not differentiate between the big, the small, the rich, the poor, the one who is elderly or the young, and it does not act on racial discrimination; therefore it is a reality which affects every living thing on this earth.

If we forget death, then everything in this world reminds us that immutable truth. Everything has an end. The sun sets each day; likewise our life will cease one day. Anything that is inhabited by the breath of life tirelessly reminds us of its end. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) said: “Every man wakes up in the morning amidst his family and death is closer to him than his shoelaces.” Umar (ra) used to say: “O Umar, death suffices as a counsellor.” The Holy Prophet said in an authentic Hadith“If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.”

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Qur'anic Concept of 'Khilafat'

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will, surely, make them SUCCESSORS in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will, surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and exchange security and peace after their fear; They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso disbelieves after that, they will be the rebellious. (Chapter 24 Verse 56)


The following excerpt from the Quran, known as the “The Istikhlaf verse”forms the basis of the Quranic concept of Islamic Khilafat, and includes the caliphate of Allah (Khalifatullah). A Khalifatullah govern between the people by that which Allah the Almighty has revealed to him, and follow not their vain desires. The Khalifatullah must beware in case the opponent seduce him from just some part of that which Allah the Almighty has revealed to him. 


Let me say a Hadith and this Hadith from Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal prophesies two eras of caliphate (both on the lines/precepts of prophethood). Hazrat Huzaifa (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: “Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills. Then caliphate (Khilafat) on the lines of Prophethood shall commence, and remain as long as Allah wills. Then corrupt/erosive monarchy would take place, and it will remain as long as Allah wills. After that, despotic kingship would emerge, and it will remain as long as Allah wills. Then, the caliphate (Khilafat) shall come once again, based on the precept of prophethood.”

In this Hadith the first era of caliphate is commonly accepted by the Muslims as that of the Rashidun. The era after the Promised Messiah, there has been the Khalifatul Massih, a caliphate that the Ahmadiyya Jamaat has elected which would implement the injunctions of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, and this has remained as long as Allah willed. Then corruption took place and the teachings of Islam and the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) were trampled to dust, and the Ahmadis gave Khilafat more importance than Quran, Sunnah and teachings of the Promised Messiah. And especially when they have said “Khilafat is our life”, Allah has removed His Divine Light, favour and raised this humble one as His Khalifatullah, and this humble one has not been elected by men, but, Allah has chosen His beloved one to continue the work of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Promised Messiah (on him be peace). 

Friday, January 2, 2015

A 'Mujaddid' after the Promised Massih

“Innii jaa-ilun fil arzi Khalifah”

I am going to place My Vicegerent (Caliph) in the earth. (Chapter 2 Verse 31)

Fa-immaa ya-ti-yan-nakum-minnii hudan faman tabi-a hudaa-ya falaa khawfun alayhim wa laa hum yah-zanuun.

Surely there will come to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. (Chapter 2 Verse 39)

In light of these two verses that I read to you, we see that it (appearance of an Elect of Allah) is a blessing from Allah, not men.

Once man has reached a certain degree of mental maturity, God has sent prophets to guide him. The advent of these prophets is a great manifestation of God’s grace and a source of His many blessings. When these prophets die, Allah favours the world by giving it another manifestation of His grace – blessing its people by sending Mujaddidin, Reformers, and Revivalists, Messiahs or even Caliphs of Allah (Khalifatullah).

The Caliph of Allah (Khalifatullah) as Allah Himself has made clear “Innii jaa ilun fil-Arzi Khalifah”, i.e., Allah Himself, the Most High will place His Khalifah on Earth, and it is not by the vote of men that this Khalifah will be elected. This is by no means the same as the election of a minister or an MP. A Khalifatullah is unique. Why? Because he is not elected by the hand of men, but rather, he is established by God and chosen by Him, Himself. This means that the Khalifatullah is not only intellectually and spiritually speaking, the Chosen One of Allah, but he also commands by his status the highest moral quality. It is for these reasons that a Khalifatullah becomes for the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) a wealth of blessings.

This divine manifestation has been amply demonstrated by God, with the arrival of a Khalifatullah where there is a spiritual revolution, especially when Islam (the universal religion) is now in a painful and difficult situation. Problems did not wait to come to the surface. When we see many so-called Muslims, and great defenders of Islam trampling the teachings of Islam, we realize that they are Muslims in name only.

Now let us see what the Promised Messiah, the founder of Jamaat Ahmadiyya (on him be peace) has said. In his book Shahadat’ul Quran (on pg. 48 - 60), the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) said:

“‘Qudrat-e-Saniyah’ is everlasting and will end till the day of Judgement”. The meaning of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), in this sentence concerning the word “Qudrat-e-Saniyah” implies to “Khilafat”. And according to the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), “Khilafat” does not only implies to “Khilafat-e-Rassool” but it also implies to “Mujaddid”. The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) believes that “Khilafat” includes “the four rightly guided successors of Rassool” and Allah willed that it should continue to exist permanently till the Day of Judgement.

Thus, the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) has not declared the “Ahmadiyya Khilafat” everlasting in his writings. What he has declared everlasting are two things: (1) Qudrat-e-Saniyah (2) Islamic Khilafat.