Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Chaos in the World

In his Friday Sermon of 14 June 2024~ 07 Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius profoundly reflects on the ongoing conflicts- the portent signs of chaotic disorder in the contemporary international system. Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores that at the root of the present chaos in the world lies the ‘worship’ of the Satan. Indeed, when the Faith weakens, and fear of God is lost, people are lured by the hedonistic trappings of this world: they will aggressively pursue material interests and selfish impulses without any concern for moral restraints, nor for the broader good- resulting in all round conflicts and chaos.  

Indeed, wars and other forms of severe calamities are engulfing and afflicting our world. With entire nations being devastated by the hands of unscrupulous men, the catastrophic events should inspire deep soul-searching. For thoughtful people, there is little doubt that in the interest of our common humanity; urgent course-correction is required on all sides for peace and tranquillity to prevail in the world: there is no alternative to recognizing the power of principles and ethical conduct as ordained by God Almighty through His prophets- the Divine laws brought by the messengers through divine revelations.

Historically, the early Muslims under Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), and the righteous Caliphs established principles and rules of social engagement injecting compassion and humane considerations, including in times of war, in the just treatment of prisoners of war and conquered peoples, women and children. Yet today, the Muslim world has lost its original moral moorings, and rich nations among them are ignoring their vital obligations of solidarity, and are often complicit in the oppression of the persecuted, siding with the oppressive forces, or in any case, preferring to remain neutral even in times of great evil. They seem to give priority to their own economic development and national progress, neglecting the obligations of Faith and morality. True devotees of God should re-establish Islamic values and way of life through Duahs, personal reform, and reclaiming the spirit of sacrifice and striving for the collective good, urges Hazrat Saheb (aba) in the discourse. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, We have entered the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the month of Hajj, a sacred month among the twelve lunar months established by Allah. With the grip of violence that exists throughout the world, whether it is Israel against Palestine or Russia against Ukraine, and the other civil wars that are ending the economies of countries, and putting the lives of their people in danger, so, we see that when people go against the commandments of Allah, they suffer in different ways unless they realize the mistakes they have made to separate themselves from Allah and His commandments.


Today, after the Arab ‘Winter’, and the steps to promote democracy, but it is to be noted that it is not an Islamic democracy that is established in those countries which state that they are Islamic countries. Today, the world is in the grip of a battle over who will gain more power and money.


Do not forget the parable that Allah mentions to us in Surah Al-Kahf, in Ruku 5, Verses 33 to 45 where there were two people, one who was a non-believer, rich and arrogant, and the other a believer, humble and pious where he said to his comrade: “I have more money than you, and I am stronger than you and have many people (including children) with me.”


But the humble one warned the arrogant one against the punishment of Allah. Arrogance never makes people prosper. It is the heart that submits to Allah that prospers. An arrogant person who does not have the fear of Allah thinks that the world belongs to him and that he can do whatever pleases him. But Allah tests the unbelievers with their wealth and children and make chaos befall them if they do not show humility and do not think about the greatness of Allah and His generosity towards all.


The Muslims of Palestine once, through their generosity have helped a people whom they believed were weak and devoid of malice, but the latter had an evil plan behind their heads. They came disguised as friends of the Muslim believers so that they could take Palestine for themselves. But do they think that everything they have stolen from the Palestinians will make them prosperous? Do they not think about the day when the calamity of Allah will fall on them from a place that they do not expect?


When Allah’s vengeance comes, it will destroy everything in its path, and believers and non-believers will be judged according to their actions and intentions. But I should state also that Israel is not the only culprit in the matter of the killing of Palestinians. Israel has received a helping hand from the United States of America (U.S.A) as well as the non-action of those who supposedly hold justice in their hands but who have remained arms crossed [idle], waiting for Israel to finish razing everywhere and finish doing the work before they take action. After all, they would have to have a culprit, a scapegoat to put all the blame on, right? If the Zionist Jews did not gain the support of these countries to enter a country that is not for them and then take by force the properties that are not theirs, then nothing would have happened in Palestine. The non-believers have a solid plan in their heads: they wish to draw the Muslims into the pit of perdition through materialism and hatred towards other Muslims so that they can unite and take control of this world.


But in the end, this world is destined for destruction one day. This day which passes by is a prediction of the approach of its end, but people do not take this into consideration. Satan has embellished for them the worldly gains and made them forget the spiritual gains. The war between Allah and Satan is still present, and has never stopped! If the war between the Lord of the Universe and Satan has continued since the dawn of time, then we must expect that Satan will continue to do his work to excite people against Allah and His laws.


In the rites of Hajj, we find a striking point where the pilgrims (Hajjis) must symbolically beat Shaytan. This has a very great significance in the life of a true believer who does not let his faith zigzag [i.e. falter, and/or take a course other than the one leading to Allah]. It means to kill one’s own Shaytan and then to concentrate one’s effort to kill the Shaytans all around one. This is Jihad that every Muslim must do with himself. The world must understand that Jihad that extremists do in the name of Islam is not Jihad. The holy war is to be done when there is a pious commander, who has the fear of Allah at the leadership of the Muslims and who is inspired by Allah directly or indirectly through the good application of the law of Allah to establish justice, wherever there is injustice.


In the early days, the wars of the Muslims were defensive wars, and then when Allah strengthened the Muslims with victory, because of their obedience to Him and His prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), then Allah gave them permission to go ahead and conquer the lands, as a Deen – a Way of Life, and an established Islamic Government, just like other non-Islamic countries and governments were established at that time, such as the kingdom of Persia, Byzantine, Rome, etc. and Allah gave permission to go ahead and conquer those countries, just like in the time before Islam, for Sa’ul (Talut), David (Dawud) and Solomon (Sulayman). There are many other examples.


Here, Islam, with Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and His rightly-guided caliphs, there was a reformation on how the conquests of lands had to be done. It was at a time when the conquest of lands was a common thing, and not a crime. Often times the Western world accused Islam of spreading its Deen, its belief by force, but this is completely false. If it were true, like the Christians said, then it is to be reminded that Jesus taught to turn the other cheek when they receive a slap; so, what have forced them to do the crusades against the Muslims? An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth? In that particular case (against Muslims), they found the Mosaic Law better? No! It is merely because they have found the extent of the victory of Muslims in the world, and where people by the thousands were entering Islam. They then developed a fear that Islam will surpass Christianity and Judaism, and reign supreme in the world.


Here the Muslims, the Islamic lands, were not just lands that were conquered in the name of Allah for the benefit of humanity, for the benefit of good over evil, but it was done with certain fundamental principles. Often times in wars – especially prior to Islam and which are mostly followed by the non-Muslims [who do not recognize the commandments of the Holy Quran] – the non-Muslim soldiers do not watch out who they are killing or capturing during their wars, but only Islam has established the war codes of conduct by COMMAND OF ALLAH that women, children and nature MUST be protected, at all costs.


But note that after the colonial era, and it should be said, that those turns of events are quite recent [in man’s timeline], that countries signed agreements, just as I mentioned in my past sermons, that countries kept their rights on the countries they had already conquered and as per that agreement, it was necessary to respect the rights of the other countries, and that is what Muslims did, towards non-Muslims, but the non-Muslims used ruses to create frictions between Muslims because of differences in the beliefs of Islam, in our Aqeeda, to put doubt in our hearts and to separate brothers and sisters and create the war that was initially meant to be waged against the disbelievers [not against each other], and thus, when the time came when Muslims were weakened in their minds, faith and body, then the disbelievers [enemies of Islam] seized this opportunity to attack in turn.


But notice that you will not see any true Muslim today roaming around to conquer other lands that are not theirs. It is the others, like Israel who are roaming around plotting how to steal the land of Muslims. In this particular case, should Muslims remain arms crossed [idle], not taking any action? Are the Muslim countries that have all the means to wage war in favour of Islam not going to retaliate? Yes, there are Duahs. I am not disregarding this. The Help of Allah is valid in all respects. But Allah is also watching for action [from the part of His servants]. What are the countries which state that they are Muslim countries doing to help their brothers, sisters and children of an Islamic country who are suffering? Have Shaytan succeeded to this point in blinding their eyes? Are they the ones who have become the arrogant of the earth and are letting the Muslim people around the world suffer? Like Pharaoh who imprisoned the children of Israel [Yaqub (as)]? What are their feelings towards their brothers, sisters and children who are suffering? Has wealth blinded them that much?


Today, if Muslims are suffering, it is their own [our own] fault. It is us, Muslims, who have allowed the body of Islam to be divided. If there was unity, the extremist non-Muslim world would have trembled. I will repeat and continue to repeat that not all non-Muslims are evil. There are among them the true seekers of truth who know how to differentiate between good and evil, and it is these true seekers of truth who will become true Muslims in turn Insha-Allah. When Allah begins to inspire hearts towards the truth, then you will find how the world of justice will open and those who are thirsty for justice will be heard and be triumphant, Insha-Allah.


The more they crush Islam and kill Muslims, the more Allah will open other paths and inspire others’ hearts towards Islam. If dictators are the bitter enemies of Islam, then consider that Allah also has the power to crush their arrogance by making their children and generations become true Muslims! Recall the times of our master Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), when the angels came to him, and told him to command them to destroy the city of Ta’if, that is the city wherein he was humiliated. But what did our master (pbuh) say? He told the angels to spare that city because he hoped that Allah would make their children Muslims.


The same thing happened on the Day of Aqabah, when the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) showed the same generosity. ‘Abd Yalil ibn ‘Abd Kulal was not ready to cooperate with the Prophet, and this made him very sad. So Hazrat Jibreel (as) came to console him and tell him that the angel who is responsible for the mountains was present and then the angel of the mountains greeted him Salaam (peace) and told him that if he (pbuh) desired it, he could destroy that place, but our master (pbuh) said: No, rather I hope Allah will bring out from their progeny those who would worship Allah alone without associating any partners with Him. (Bukhari, Muslim).


Then we found how the Duahs of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) were accepted. Arabia became Muslim, except for a few who were given the choice to accept Islam, or to refuse, but those who refused, they lived their faith freely, but they had to promise that they would not wage war against Muslims and pay a tax that we call Jizya.


So, like we find Allah saying in the Quran: “There is no compulsion [to force people] in Islam…” (Al-Baqara 2: 257)


It is not the work/ habit of [true] Muslims to force others to become Muslims. Each human has his or her own free will. But whoever accepts Islam of his own free will, then he has made a very intelligent and profitable transaction with Allah, the Lord of the Universe.


May Allah open the hearts of humanity and all Muslims to reflect on the goodness and compassion of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who made Islam reflect first of all in himself and taught how to make this Islam shine within and then to become a powerful light to conquer the world, not to evil but to the Creator alone, to make people worship their Creator alone, and not Satan. May Allah awaken the consciousness of humanity towards His True Deen, the Deen of all His true prophets, the Deen of Islam [peace and complete submission to Him (Allah) alone]. Insha-Allah, Ameen.