‘Sirat-un-Nabi’ Reflections
‘Exalted is He who put constellations in
the heavens, a radiant light, and an illuminating moon- it is He who made the
night and the day follow each other- so anyone who wishes may be mindful, or show
gratitude.’ (25: 62-63)
‘There is a time set for every people: they
cannot hasten it, nor, when it comes, will they be able to delay it for a
single moment. O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Messengers from
among yourselves, relating My revelations to you, then whosoever (by accepting
them) are conscious of God and live righteously, there will be no fear,
nor will they grieve.’ (7: 35-36)
‘He it is Who has raised among the
Unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves who
recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and
wisdom, although they had been, before, in manifest misguidance; And among others from
among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
That is Allah’s grace; He bestows it on whom He pleases; and Allah is the
Master of immense grace.’ (62:3-5)
These verses of the Holy Qur’an, in their
own mystical and subtle ways, allude to the philosophy of Divine guidance for
humanity in darkened times. These verses unmistakably foretell a remarkable spiritual
event of profound historic proportions: the advent of an Elect of God in the Later Days of Islam; the raising of an ‘illuminating
moon’ [Qamaran
Munira] who will reflect the pristine light of the Sun of Faith,
Hazrat Muhammad(sa), as though the Divine
servant is a ‘mirror image’ or the second coming of the original Holy Prophet (sa)
himself in this era, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.