Saturday, June 21, 2014

on the 'Alaamaat' of Qiyamah

Wattaquu Yawman-turja ‘uuna fiihi ‘ilaallaah. Summa tuwaffaa kullu nafsim-maa kasabat wa hum laa yuz-lamuun.

“And fear a Day (that is, Qiyamah) when you will be returned to Allah. Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly.”(2: 282).

The word Qiyamah appears 70 times in the Holy Quran. Allah the Almighty has also called it (Qiyamah) by many other names in the Holy Quran and each name shows an aspect of Qiyamah. For example, among others:

 1. As-Sa’a (The Appointed Hour)
 2Al-Yaum-ul-Haqq (The Day of Truth, that is, the advent of such a day about which there is no doubt)
 3. Al-Yaum-ul-Mal’oom (The Known Hour)
4. Yaum-ul-Aazifa (The Terrifying Day which is approaching), 
5. Yaum-un-Assir (The Hard Day),
6.  Yaum-un-Azim (The Great Day), 
7. Yaum-ul-B’ath (The Day of Resurrection), 
8. Yaum-un-Talaaq (The Day of Meeting, that is, meeting with Allah the Almighty), 
9. Yaum-ul-Jama (The Day of Assembly), 
10. Yaum-ul-Khuruj (The Day of Coming Out, that is, from the tomb) 
11. An-Naba-ul-Azim (The Great News). 
12. Al-Haqqa (The Inevitable).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

‘Ilm-e-Ghayb’ and the Divine Signs

Signs of our Times

‘Innas-Saa-’ata la-’aatiyatul laa rayba fiihaa wa laakinna ‘aksaran-naasi laa yu’-minuun. – “Indeed, the Hour is coming - no doubt about it - but most of the people do not believe.” (Al-Mu'min, 40: 60).

Nowadays, we are seeing that time is passing so quickly and that all sort of problems are cropping up. We are suffering a change in nature and also a change in the human attitude and behaviour.

Consequently, we (as humans) are worried about our future. When we analyse the situation, we see how the world is being degraded and going to its lost: there are hypocrisy, power thirst, wars, strife, persecution against the weak, infidelity, bestiality, as well as atrocities, complicity and concealed tolerance for the crimes against humanity etc.

On the other hand, in alarming and uncontrolled proportions, there are all sorts of calamities of nature: heat wave, drought, fire, flood, famine, strange maladies (viruses etc.), earthquakes, cyclones and other catastrophes. This tendency brings us to think if there are not other cataclysms in the near future? When nature is inflicting upon us such sanctions, this also means that it is giving us a message, but unfortunately we are not understanding the message it is giving and thus as the situation is now and being presented to the world, spirituality has no place in such a world of decadence.

Divine Servants and the Ilm-e-Ghayb

In the Holy Quran, Allah the Exalted has said that the universe shall not exist forever and that from time to time, there shall be such occurrences and signs which shall announce the approach of the end of the universe. It is therefore necessary for us to be alert of those signs so that we can meditate on them and consequently consolidate our faith. Through the series of sermons (Friday Sermons) which I shall do on this subject, you shall come to realise that all messengers of Allah, and also this humble servant of Allah who is present before you all today have a profound knowledge of the unseen (Ilm-e-Ghayb) through Allah, and you can see that already many of the predictions/prophecies made have been realised, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, and a believer must have faith that the other announced signs also shall come what may be realised by the infinite grace of Allah.

Friday, June 13, 2014

15 Shabaan 1435 Hijri: Shaab-e-Baraat

Today, June 13, 2014 is 14 Shabaan 1435 Hijri. In the Islamic faith tradition, 15th Shaaban is generally observed with devotional recitations, special invocations and solemn prayers  as Shaabe Baraat. In the course of his Friday Sermon today, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius made certain remarks on the subject, especially in the context of the ways in which many in the Ummah have deviated from the original spirit of these solemn occassions by transforming them into something else. 

Read the extracts from the Friday Sermon:

Before ending, I wish to address you some words on the Shaabe Baraat which is a night in the middle of Shabaan, and therefore tonight is the 15 Shabaan 1435 Hijri, when Nabi Kareem Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) used to spend his night in worship of Allah. The reason for this is that he was informed by Hazrat Jibreel (as) that when mid-Shabaan comes, the deeds of man goes up to Allah, and Allah through His Rahimiyyat forgives generously His servants who repent and pray a lot during this interval. According to a Hadith, Nabi Kareem Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) says that he prefers to be in fasting state when his deeds are presented before Allah.

In Islam, each moment of our life is blessed, especially with the coming of a Messenger of Allah. And moreover Allah, from those days of the life of man chose certain days which are better than others, like the 15th Shabaan, the month of Ramadan wherein are the last 10 days which we shall live again soon, wherein is found the Laila-tul-Qadr (Night of Decree), and also the blessed days of Hajj.

A Historic Jumu’ah in Seychelles

Today Friday 06 June 2014, a historical Jummah by the grace of Allah (swt). After the registration of our Jamaat (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Seychelles) here and by this divine blessing many Christians in Seychelles like (in Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and the other small Islands etc.) took Baï’ats in the hand of this humble self, the Khalifatullah, and I hope that after my departure, all of you will continue this noble work and to spread this divine message which you have received during the one week’s work I am here. Insha-Allah.

Here in Seychelles most of the population is Christian, so before coming on my sermon of today, first of all I must thank all of you for welcoming me and my delegation here and all of you work have worked hard together with me and Allah has put His blessing in this noble work and now by grace of Allah the Jamaat (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam) is registered officially in all islands of the Seychelles. And now we have our Managing Committee and a national president and we rented a house for all the activities of our Jamaat and Jummah Prayer and Tarbiyyat class, Alhamdulillah. (For a related Report on the visit, click here).