Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bedtime Ethics in Islam

Qur'an on Night Prayer



‘Remember the name of your Lord at dawn and in the evening; bow down before Him, and glorify Him at length by night’. (76: 26-27)

‘Proclaim His praise in the night’ (50:41)


‘Glorify Him at night and at the fading of the stars.’ (52: 50) 


‘Keep up the prayer at both ends of the day, and during parts of the night, for good things drive bad away– this is a reminder for those who are aware.’ (11: 115)


‘Celebrate the praise of your Lord, before the rising and setting of the sun, celebrate His praise during the night, and at the beginning and end of the day, so that you may find contentment.’ (20:131)


‘Night prayer makes a deeper impression and sharpens words–– you are kept busy for long periods of the day–– so celebrate the name of your Lord and devote yourself wholeheartedly to Him.’ (73:7-9)


‘And during the night wake up and pray, as an extra offering of your own, so that your Lord may raise you to a [highly] praised status.’ (17:80)


Before Sleeping:  


1) Perform Wudhu

2) Dust Your Bed

3) Recite Surah Al Mulk

4) Recite Surah Al Kaafirun

5) Recite Surah Al Baqarah’s last 2 verses

6) Recite ‘Subhan'Allah’, ‘Alhamdolillah’, ‘Allahu Akbar’- 33 each.

7) Recite Ayatul Qursi

8) Recite the following Duah before Sleeping:

‘Allahumma Bismika Amutu wa Ahya’

9) Sleep on the Right Hand side.


May Allah protect all Muslims while sleeping.




The Holy Prophet (sa) said:


“When you go to bed,

Wash as you do for prayer,

Then lie down on your right side

And say,


‘O God, I have surrendered my being to You.

I entrust my affairs to You, in hope and fear of You.

There is no refuge or haven from You,

except refuge with You and haven with You.

I believe in Your word, which You have revealed,

and in Your prophet, whom You have sent.’


Then, if you die,

you will die in the natural state of grace,

so let this be the last thing you say.”



Satan’s Knots


The Prophet said, “Satan ties three knots at the back of the head of each one of you when you sleep, casting this suggestion on each knot  in its place: “The night is long for you, so sleep!” but if one awakens and remembers Allah, a knot is untied; and if one washes, another knot is untied. And if one prays, all the knots are untied. Then one gets up in the morning cheerful and lively, in good spirits. Otherwise, one gets up cranky and sluggish.”




The Prophet said:


“Our Lord, Blessed and Exalted,

Descends every night to the earthly heaven

When the last third of the night remains, saying,

Who calls to Me, that I may answer?

Who asks of Me, that I may give?

Who asks forgiveness of Me, that I may forgive?”





Bara’a bin Aziz related that the Messenger of Allah said to him,


“When you go to bed, say: ‘O my Rab, I submit my soul to You, and I turn my face to You, and I entrust my affairs to You, and I commit my burden to You, longing for You yet dreading You: there is no shelter from You, nor haven, except with You. I believe in Your Book, which You have revealed, and Your Prophets, whom You have sent.’ Then if you die that night, you will die in innocence; and if you wake up the next morning, you will encounter good.”     




When the Holy Prophet (sa) went to bed, he would say, “I die and live in Your name.”


When he got up, he would say, "Thanks to God, Who has given us life after causing our death; and the Resurrection is to Allah.”


When the Prophet arose at night for a vigil, he would say, “O Allah, all praise and thanks are Yours. You are the Light of the heavens and the earth, and all therein; and all praise and thanks belong to You. You are the Truth ; and Your promise is true, and Your word is true. The meeting with You is real, the Garden of Paradise is real, and Hellfire is real. The Hour is real, Prophethood is real, and Muhammad is genuine. O Allah, I surrender to You, and I place my trust in You; I believe in You, and I turn to You in repentance. I argue for Your sake, and I appeal to You for judgement. So please forgive me for what I have brought to pass, and what I have left in my wake; what I have kept secret, and what i have disclosed. You are the one who sends forward, and You are the one who postpones. There is nothing worthy of worship but You.”



Pray Tahajjud at least once per week,

and all your prayers will be answered.


Tahajjud can be prayed 2, 4, 6, 8 rakaats. You decide how many rakaats  you want to pray and make the intention before the prayer which you are going to do. Then make Duah before you start as the holy prophet Muhammad (sa) used to do so. (Sahih al-Bukhari 1120)


[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].