Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Signs of 'Saa' at'


On the Signs of the End of Times- I


فَہَلۡ یَنۡظُرُوۡنَ اِلَّا السَّاعَۃَ اَنۡ تَاۡتِیَہُمۡ بَغۡتَۃً ۚ فَقَدۡ جَآءَ اَشۡرَاطُہَا ۚ فَاَنّٰی لَہُمۡ اِذَا جَآءَتۡہُمۡ ذِکۡرٰٮہُمۡ 

“Do they then only wait for the Hour - that it should upon them unawares? But already have come some tokens thereof, and when it (actually) is on them, how can they benefit then by their admonition?” (Muhammad 47: 19) 

The Qur’an is the only book of its kind that is not limited to a time or a place; having been revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than fourteen centuries ago, and being also the word of the Eternal God, the Qur’an is eternally true. 

Thus, the appearance of the signs of the Hour - the end of the world - which it [i.e. the Qur’an] evokes in this verse has been true throughout these fourteen centuries, is still true today, and will always be so until the end of the world. Indeed, yesterday [in a manner of speaking] it was the very coming of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) which constituted one of these signs, then it was his death, then the confrontation of the believers in Siffin, the appearance of the terrible fire in Hijaz, the Mongol invasions, etc. Today it is the profusion of money and goods, the construction of tall buildings, drug dealings to get richer. Indeed the scourges of drugs are ravaging. Several people, thousands of young people (boys and girls) fall into drugs and the merchants of death multiply their wealth on the corpses of these young people, or even the disintegration of the family unit.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Poem: 'Mere Kareem'




Tere kamon se mujhe hayrat hai eh mere Kareem

Ô mon Bienfaiteur, je suis ébahi devant Tes oeuvres.

O my Benefactor, I am amazed at Your works


Kiss amal par mujh ko di hai khulat kurbo jawar

Quel travail ai-je fais pour que Tu m’aies accordé ce 

manteau d’honneur Qui sied à Tes proches?

What work have I done so that You have bestowed upon me 

this mantle of honour That befits Your loved ones?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Identity Conflicts

As a religion of God, Islam is an uncompromisingly monotheistic creed, and its spiritual realm has no space for any form of idolatry, or the worship of lords beside the Lord Almighty. As its mark of identity, Islam prescribes fraternal affection and bonds of solidarity among all believers, regardless of their racial or linguistic background, social or national origin. Indeed, Islam recognizes the universality of the religious experience and testifies to the Divine origin of religions among all the peoples. As God is Lord of all the Worlds (of mankind, angels, animals, plants, this world and the world to come, etc.), Islam also fosters utmost sympathy and compassion for all of His creatures (not just for fellow-Muslims); upholding the dignity and rights of all communities of people living in society. Islam envisages a social order that will peacefully facilitate the triumph of good over evil; the  prevalence of truth over falsehood in the ideational battle and struggle for supremacy between God's Religion, and all other ideologies.

Yet Today, ours is an age of rising intolerance and identity-based conflicts among communities. Societies are splintered on religious and sectarian lines. Many conflicts have their roots in religion-based adverse discriminations. The persecution of minority communities such as the Rohingyas in Myanmar and the Uighurs in China by the nationally-dominant  non-Muslim groups uprooted millions of Muslim peoples from their own homes and hearth in recent years. Likewise, the deep schism in Islamic lands, among the Sunnis and the Shias, and also other marginal  sects such as the Ahmadis, have also witnessed much sectarian bloodshed and killings. Likewise, the radicalization of the Muslim youth through extremist and militant interpretations of religious doctrines for political mobilization by a section of the Mullahs' and their terrorists' groups is also a threat to social peace and harmony, and also to the fair name of a pure religion.

In his Friday Sermon of 17 September 2021~09 Safar 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius speaks about Islamic teachings that promote religious tolerance, inter-community harmony, and social peace in our divided world. Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) notes that whether majority or minority in  a land, the Muslims ought to emphatically reject all excesses in the name of our identity. As Hazrat Saheb (aba) points out, the Holy Prophet (sa) stated: “He who supports his clan in aggression and he who calls on others to support tyranny is not one of us.”  Indeed, it is vital to reclaim the true and original spiritual moorings of Islam, so that  a just social order  is available for everyone to pursue their religious beliefs and spiritual convictions without any hindrance.  

Read the Friday Sermon Below:  

Friday, September 17, 2021

Kerala Majlis-e- Amila 2021


Alhamdulillah, the recently re-unified Kerala Jamaat’s Majlis-e- Amila [Central Committee & Branch Presidents and other office bearers] now stands established for a period of three years (2021-24) through a Divinely-inspired, spiritual democratic process of election and nomination, with the permission and approval of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba), Summa Alhamdulillah.  

While making the official proclamation on the list of office bearers of the Kerala Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatullah (atba) reflected positively on the decade-long work of the pioneers of the Jamaat in the State, in helping to spread the message of Sahih Al Islam in this country and beyond. Hazrat Saheb (aba) also recommended to the brothers  now taking responsibility to preserve this legacy and expand on this good work so as to serve the larger causes of the Jamaat of Allah (swt) in this era.  At the same time, it was also noted that ‘office’ entails “a trial for all those who have been elected, selected and approved so that they may serve the cause of Allah with fear of Allah, and not with greed for power, honour or any material gain.”

When responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a person, he develops the ability to reflect and think over certain matters. By the grace of Allah, He has established the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam with a view to create a sense of responsibility in its members. Hence, some holds important offices of Amir, a General Secretary, Financial Secretary, Tarbiyyat Secretary, Tabligh Secretary, etc. Any failure in this respect may bring about the reverse consequences”, notes and cautions Hazrat Saheb (aba). 

May Allah (swt) enable all office-bearers at all levels to bear the burden on their shoulders- of serving the Jamaat with Taqwah, Aameen, Summa Aameen Ya Rabbi’l Alameen.   

List of Office Bearers

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

‘Kashaf’: A Spiritual Vision


Truth-seekers in every religion await the appearance of a Divinely-inspired soul in the End-Times. Indeed, devout Muslims are reading sacred Prophetic traditions concerning the appearance of a Khalifatullah and Imam Al Mahdi in this era as the second coming of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), and they are searching for Signs of the advent of a Divinely-infused spiritual soul and his Islamic mission- to save humanity from the clutches of Evil, and to guide believers in the Path of God in these morally-darkened times.

In this context, we present here, for the attention and benefit of all truth seekers, a spiritual vision (Kashaf) experienced by one of our sisters, Fatema Jasmine Saheba, a respected member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Tamil Nadu (India), while performing Salat-ul-Isha on Thursday, 02 September 2021~24 Muharram 1443 AH.

This Kashaf is noteworthy for the profound themes it contains, especially as it clearly points to the grand Divine Message and chosen Messenger for this era, and the special spiritual relationship between Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (sa), and his Khalifa and Imam of this era- Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius. This spiritual vision is an important Divine Sign pointing to the larger obligations of Faith on all believers to fervently invoke Allah (swt) in support of Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) in his profound Divine Mission of battling Shaitan in all its manifestations, by joining the ‘army’ of the Khalifatullah (aba) in establishing Tawheed on earth, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

We present now the text of the Kashaf  shared by Jasmine Saheba:

Sunday, September 12, 2021

'Ummah': Reforming Self & Society


The Perfect Evolution & Revolution of the Ummah 

Our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) had one worry which kept him awake during the nights in prayers to Allah (twt). He used to worry a lot for the progress and the quality of his community (Ummah). “O Allah, my Ummah, my Ummah!” [Ya Rabbi, Ummati!], he used to supplicate. This is indeed the call and slogan of love of this beloved prophet of ours (pbuh); his deep love for his Ummah caused him to always call out in his prayers to Allah - “Ummati, Ummati”. 

From the abhorrence of disbelief and ignorance, this noble prophet (pbuh) led them to a perfect state of belief, and for that, they had to undergo several trials which transformed them into staunched [firm] believers. 

When in Islamic terms we talk about the evolution and revolution of the Ummah, it is not like we will lift up armaments to fight against the world and bring them back to the fold of the Unicity of Allah with force, that is, with the fear of swords, or guns or any other killer weapon for that matter. This revolution should not be understood in the worldly way but more in the spiritual way.       

As a Muslim and Khalifatullah of this age, as the Chosen Servant of Allah and the humble follower of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), it is my duty in this era to bring you out from your state of Nafs-e-Ammara [Animalistic State] to bring you step by step to the Mutmaina Stage [where you are completely pleased with Allah and Allah is completely pleased with you].

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Poem: 'Beautiful Tomorrow'


In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


Beautiful is the mind which comprehends 

The essence of a beautiful environment

Our heart and soul is deeply attached 

To the essence of Beauty, 

For, we were created Beautiful.

Light became light,

When Beauty was made apparent

In the heart of mankind.

One and all are from the world of creation,

The world which a Creator created 

Out of His own majestic and intrinsic Beauty.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Prayer: Your Path to Allah


O you who believe! When you rise up for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and lightly rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles.” [Surah Al-Maida, HQ, 5: 7] 

As Allah (twt) has commanded us in this Quranic verse, we must first do the prescribed ablutions and that too, in a complete way. Likewise, in a Hadith, our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) told us: “The prayer of one who does not have his ablution is not accepted.” This Hadith has been reported by Ibn Majah. – How it is important, before making the prayer, that is, to make the ablutions! 

Prayer is vital [very important] in a believer’s life. It is one of the pillars of his faith. Prayer is that meeting with Allah (twt) which connects you – that is, the believer with his Creator. So open your heart and invite Allah (twt) into your life. When Allah (twt) enters the scene, miracles happen. Keep praying, Allah (twt) indeed listens to your prayer. It’s just a matter of right timing. Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, Allah (twt) sends a miracle. When you are feeling down, Allah (twt) doesn’t forget your prayers. He [i.e. Allah] will answer when the time is right and never think another thing when you are praying to Allah (twt). Concentrate in your prayer. Make as if [Recall] that Allah is present before you. Don’t let Satan [Ibliss] come in your mind, don’t let him come between you and Allah. Allah is Great [Allahu Akbar]. His love also is great. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Poem: 'At the Door of My Lord'


What can I say about my feelings?

I yearn to become close to my Lord

Every prick and stone in my way

To be removed so that I can fly towards my Lord


I wish to be there where the world revolves around my Saviour

I am no longer alone and lonely as long as my Lord is by my side 

In a world much mysterious I yearn for the secret of the famous sound,

I want to have those wings of love which would surely guide me to the Omnipresent God


Taking into stride all my chances, I failed on the way

How can You forgive me for my sins, O Bountiful One?

The heart You know in all its deepest compartments,

How can I regain Your Love, O My Sweet Lord?

Monday, September 6, 2021

'Deeni Ta'lim': Learn & Teach


Iman, Islam & Spiritual Education 

Both the words, Islam and Iman, are used synonymously. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Verily, (the true) Deen with Allah is Islam”. (Al-Imran, 3: 20) 

“Whoever searches for a Deen other than Islam, never will it be accepted from him (i.e. His adoption of any other religion will never be acceptable to Almighty Allah). And, in the Aakhirah he (the one who chooses another religion) will be ruined”. (Al-Imran, 3: 86) 

“Whoever among you turns away from his Deen (Islam) and then dies being a Kafir, his good deeds will be ruined in this world and the Aakhirah. Such people are the inmates of the Fire; therein will they remain forever”. (Al-Baqara, 2: 218)


The ruin of one’s Islam in this world is the nullification of one’s Nikah. By reneging from Islam, the renegade’s (Murtad’s) wife falls out of his Nikah. He is also deprived of inheritance. He will not inherit in the estate of any Muslim. After death there is no Janaza Salat for him. The ruin of one’s deeds in relation to the Aakhirah is the everlasting residence in hell.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Solidarity with Palestine


Through a series of 'divide and rule' policies in the last four decades, the United States of America played a dubious role as a meddling superpower in the destabilization of countries in the Muslim world. The continuing US support for Israel's inhuman treatment of the Palestinian peoples as well as the ongoing US-Israeli political manipulations to destroy the Palestinian nation through 'a thousand cuts', are a searing reminder of the larger religious and political threats facing the wider Muslim community in our times

In his Friday Sermon of 02 July 2021~20 Dhul-Qaddah 1442 AH Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius takes a close and hard look at  contemporary world politics, to identify and call out the hatred that is shaping American double-standards at work in its threatening policies vis-a-vis Muslim peoples in different lands- in contrasts to its policies vis-a-vis Israel's "security". Urging international solidarity and support for the dignity of the oppressed in Palestine, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores the need for everyone to wake up and understand the larger political designs at work, and resist the Evils of injustice, oppression and violence through the power of Prayer and fervent invocations to the Lord Almighty for Divine Justice.     

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Return of the Taliban


The fall of the US-propelled government in Afghanistan along with the swift and dramatic capture of power by the Taliban in Kabul, is nothing short of a geopolitical earthquake in international affairs in our times. For one, it marks a defining moment in the unravelling history of American excesses abroad in the name of “war on terror” and attempts to impose their perception of democracy on other nations and peoples.  Likewise, for the region and the world, the larger question is this: can the Taliban- now, the de facto government in Kabul- live down its dreadful legacy, turn a new page in political pragmatism, and usher in a period of peace, security and development for the people of Afghanistan? 

A Legacy of Excesses on All Sides

Afghanistan’s modern destiny is marred by much internal political strife and blood-letting, especially in the last four decades. Illegal interventions and invasions by foreign powers- [the Soviet Union (1979-1989), and the United States (2001-2021) followed by counter-mobilization by militant groups armed and aided by interested foreign governments, and the consequent internecine warfare destabilized the land for long years. The emergence of Taliban in the Afghan refugee camps of Pakistan, and its militant extremism- blurring the line between political resistance and support for indiscriminate and unrestrained violence in the name of ideology/religion against hostile foreign powers as well as defenceless civilians cannot be divorced from this complex political and regional backdrop- including the lucrative profits from mass cultivation of, and trade in, opium and other narcotic substances across borders with colluding elements in Pakistan. 

Domestically, when the Taliban was in power in the land during 1996-2001, its policies were starkly marked by denial of educational opportunities to girl children; curtailment of women’s rights; cruel and degrading treatment of minorities; institutionalization of vengeance in the form of medieval punishments on opponents and enemies of the regime- all in service of a narrow-minded, extremist and simplistic understanding of the Islamic Shari’ah, bringing disrepute to the very Faith they claimed to serve- with hardly any country in the world recognizing the Mullah Muhammad Omar regime in Kabul in those years.